First up.. Don't forget the Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale starts today!! If you missed my post yesterday (since I never blog on Sundays): Click Here
Also, can we get a hallelujah! The Bachelor is back tonight, there is no wedding planning going on and it's actually a nice guy - so excited for this season, I've picked my favorites (which always change after the first episode and are based on looks and jobs) which I'll post next week with my actual favorites. I'm ready for you Farmer Chris.
Next week we'll get back to regularly scheduled blogging, finally!! (and some fun new advancements for the new year). SO many holiday posts but I do love Christmas but this week we're finishing up 2014 and the holidays!
Another blogging resolution is to take less, but better photos, less is more right?! These aren't quite better (I mean it was NYE) but they are less so I'm off to a good start! I really want to start using my camera more in the new year and not just my phone.
Okay, Let's finally get to NYE, Shall we?!
We had a simple and super fun NYE, we had four of our best friends come to celebrate our first married New Year's with us - we were just missing our friend Sarah but we did FaceTime for a little so she was with us in spirit for some of the holiday.
Derek had to go into work for a couple hours, literally a couple - I think he got home just minutes after we did but I picked up Bianca at the airport and we went straight to my favorite mexican restaurant. I've been dying to take her there because if there's somebody that likes Mexican more than me - it's Bianca.
This trio got in some naps to be ready for midnight
Dom and Ash got there in the afternoon and the girls got busy in the kitchen with cream cheese dips and dessert - a girls perfect food night - and trying our hardest to double a recipe and pretty much failing. The boys were beyond excited to see each other and headed for the bar immediately.
More on this dip next week when I share some Christmas/Break/New Year's recipes but this is Mom's FAMOUS frito dip - anyone that tries it is obsessed with it - SO GOOD - and this was my first time making it myself
We might not have been leaving the house (and were super thankful for that and to not wear shoes) but we were dressed and ready to go
We decided on heavy appetizers for the night with everything from sweetish meatballs and chick fil a trays to the failure mac and cheese and plenty of dips, cheese, shrimp, dips, vegetables, dips.
Cheers to celebrating a new year together, the husband loves to give toasts, loves to.
After dinner appetizer hour we all just piled in around the bar for stories, laughs, games and a good time together
These guys stopped by between events to say hi to everyone and drop off Mom's famous bridesmaids bread for breakfast
Back to the resolution - a couple nice pictures on the nice camera. Just a couple - simple and sweet
These two and their bromance is the best. The photo on the right is perfect to describe their relationship. They are obsessed with each other and more recently it's been the two of them asking to hang out and plan things more than the girls - boyfriends.
Perks of having a low key New Year's Party at home - in pajamas before midnight!
Cheers to 2015 with this crazy framily
Cheersing with our "First New Year's Eve Champagne" as well as the double bottle of Champagne that Dom scooped up on a run to the liquor store with Derek
Still literally stuffed from dinner; dessert made it's way out after midnight
We did a little breakfast brunch on New Year's Day morning before they all had to go back to DC - complete with "Bridesmaid Bread," a favorite from the wedding.. recipe coming later in January
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