Tomorrow is the big day - our Gender Reveal Party! This has been one of the things that I've been most excited about. Derek and I found out almost a month ago through genetic testing and have been enjoying the news ever since.
I'd browsed and browsed the old wives tales before finding out and couldn't wait to see if they were true or not so I thought I'd share today...
Morning Sickness
Little girls aren't always sweet; nausea means your having a little girl.
Boy - There were a couple weeks of slight nausea and continuing if I'm hungry but definitely not bad by any means.
Baby's Heartbeat
If the baby's heartbeat is more than 150 times per minute, it's a girl. Less than 150, it's a boy.
Girl - it's always been over 150.
Chinese Calendar
... Says Girl
Sleep Position
If you prefer sleeping on the right side at night, you'll have a girl. Left side and it's a boy.
Girl - I'm more likely to sleep to the right most of the time.
Food Cravings
Craving Salt? It's a baby boy. Craving sweets? It's a little girl.
Girl - I wouldn't say too much craving but I've definitely been enjoying some ice cream and such.
Mood swings and you're having a girl. Keeping calm and it's a boy.
Boy - I've been surprisingly calm, relaxed and worry less than I should.
Even and Odd
If your age and year of conception are both even or odd, it's a girl. One even and one odd, it's a boy.
Boy - it's 2017 and I'm 28.
Headaches? It's a boy. No head pulsing? It's a girl.
Boy - not terrible but I had my fair share of headache days for a couple weeks recently. Either that or it could have been spring allergies!
Stella's Vote
We put two cards out on the floor - one saying "boy" and one saying "girl" each with a treat in front. We let Stella go and watched which one she went to first.
Girl - she went right to the girl card without hesitation. I guess she prefers pink toys to steal rather than blue.
Girl - 5
Boy - 4
Pretty even split! Since we found out so early it wasn't as easy to guess because some of the old wives tales couldn't even apply yet. We are both thrilled with the outcome and couldn't picture it any other way.
Check out my Instagram tomorrow to see or check back here next week - I'll share the gender and all the party details. Happy weekend! xx