We spent one day at Disneyland and to say Tatum was excited was an understatement. We drove up to be there around when it opened - parking took a little longer than we thought but we were still in early before a lot of lines. We went right to Fantasyland where we spent most of our time. We never waited more than 10 minutes for a ride (so we ended up skipping a couple things like Peter Pan's flight). We got in Dumbo, Storybook Canals, the Tea Cups and Carrousel before our breakfast reservation for Minnie's Breakfast in the Park at The Plaza Inn.
After breakfast we saw the castle, continued on some more rides (Tatum was quite scared on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride) and met some characters Covid style which I really liked - there wasn't really a wait and they were further off in the distance.
We grabbed some snacks for lunch and by about 1 we were ready to head back to the hotel to cool off and relax!