Today was originally going to be an "a day in the life" post: weekend edition but then I had some terrible back spasms and we were iced in yesterday and overall had a very lazy weekend so… now I have a very low key weekend recap! But man did we enjoy being home and doing "nothing" this was one of the best weekends!
Where else to kick off the weekend but El Gran! Derek had been working late all week last week and we thought he would have to on Friday as well so I asked if my parents wanted to go to my favorite mexican place but it turned out that Derek made it home in time to come too and Davey was able to join us also.
Married life is SO glamorous. My lineup of wash for the morning, one load was already in the machine. I don't mind cleaning/doing house work when there's time to do it. This was the first time I've done laundry on a Saturday morning in a while (it's been Thursday nights for a while) and it was great to have time to do it and to hit noon and feel very accomplished for the day. A little other tidying up was thrown in then I was done my work for the day.
Mom & Steve were out all day with some of their friends for a show and dinner so Nash came over to spend the day at our house!
We always joke how Nash LOVES looking at himself in the mirror and he loved our mirror as we caught him looking multiple times. I had also said the night before there was no way Nash would be able to jump up on our bed.. I was proved wrong.
After some lunch and naps we set out to take Nash for a walk, which didn't last too long because it was quite a cold day out!
Adding so much life to our house
We got some much needed house work done and got some new wall hangings hung up and ordered a new TV stand for the office.. which is almost complete. We're just enjoying taking our time and going room by room to slowly find what we like best for each room, we're in no rush.
It was cold, we had both woken up early for Derek's alarm for work (he had to go in for a little bit in the morning) so we just ran to the sports bar down the street and my absolute favorite frozen yogurt place. I don't think I've had frozen yogurt since the wedding nor have I been to this place since we moved into the new house. This frozen yogurt spot is huge and has more flavors and toppings than any other store I've been in (and that's quite a few).
I don't know why and I don't know how but I started having the worst back pain on Saturday (another big reason for the quick change to low key plans) and wow! I said to Derek I had no idea how Tony Romo could play football like that because I could barely manage day to day activities. Derek was running out for gas and coffee yesterday morning and I asked him to pick up some ointment and a heating pad, which he sweetly did but he came back reporting the roads were horrible so church was off and it was back to bed, for a while.
Most of the day looked like this plus the heating pad. Other than the back pain the day was actually fantastic and much enjoyable. We haven't had a "lazy" day in a while and were in pajamas most of the day either lounging in bed or on the couch.
We've been on an Entourage kick since it was part of Davey's Christmas gift to Derek and we watched at least five episdoes.
We've been so good about having food around for when the weather is bad and we don't want to go out. Go figure the "unexpected" bad weather day would hit the day before grocery day - luckily we had plenty of velveeta mac and cheese.
We all were suppose to get together with Grandma for dinner but since the weather was lousy we postponed. We decided to finally get out of our pajamas and just run around the corner with Mom, Steve, and Davey. After dinner Steve told me I was in no serious trouble with my back and performed some physical therapy for me (such a perk, always eases my mind) and taught me some stretches.
We also we're hoping for some upsets in the football games but there was no such luck; we're already ready for next season...
Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.
Happy Monday!!
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