Thursday, May 28, 2020
Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day Weekend was super low key for us - which it usually is before the busy of summer weekends away start. Friday and Saturday were rainy and very quiet - luckily it cleared up Saturday afternoon and we had a little happy hour outside with friends.
Sunday morning we've gotten into the routine of Sunday Breakfast which everyone enjoys and Tatum loves helping.
We spent a lot of time this weekend getting our flowers planted - we're usually traveling so we can't get them done until late June so this was a nice treat this year. We also spent a ton of time playing outside!
Sunday night we had a lobster broil and enjoyed spending time on the deck - everything was delicious and we'll definitely do it again soon!
Memorial Day was fairly chilly for the first part of the day but we were still able to play outside a bit and setup Tatum's new water wall - luckily after nap it was sunny and much warmer.
Early evening my family came over for drinks and appetizers... and to tire Tatum out - he was exhausted by the end of the night but still hanging in.
We had a classic summer BBQ of hamburgers, hot dogs and sides and one of our first meals on the deck for this season.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
This & That
Another week of quarantine... I try to find any positive of this situation and spending so much time with Tatum has been one (we certainly get on each others nerves too!) but usually we're always on the go, packing a suitcase, have plans, etc. so in some ways it is nice to slow down... but I'm ready to pick back up again!
We enjoy outside time anytime we can! Weather has been iffy but we have had some great days and look forward to that summer weather hitting us soon.
Each weekend morning when I have more time Stella and I do a long walk around a nature preserve near us and it's been a nice weekend treat with not much else going on.
Most of our mornings have been cool but when it's warm enough that early, we've been enjoying breakfast on the deck.
Basic quarantine - baking banana bread! I've really tried to let as little food go to waste as I can during this time since we don't go to the store as much but also have enjoyed taking the time to bake - hoping to bake something different each week for the next little bit.
Back at the start of May it was a chilly night so we couldn't even use our deck but we couldn't let Cinco de Mayo pass without Mexican takeout and margaritas.
This past weekend we spent a lot of time working on outdoor tasks - power washing, mulching and starting to work on our flowers - aiming to finish that this weekend!
We enjoy outside time anytime we can! Weather has been iffy but we have had some great days and look forward to that summer weather hitting us soon.
Each weekend morning when I have more time Stella and I do a long walk around a nature preserve near us and it's been a nice weekend treat with not much else going on.
Most of our mornings have been cool but when it's warm enough that early, we've been enjoying breakfast on the deck.
Basic quarantine - baking banana bread! I've really tried to let as little food go to waste as I can during this time since we don't go to the store as much but also have enjoyed taking the time to bake - hoping to bake something different each week for the next little bit.
Back at the start of May it was a chilly night so we couldn't even use our deck but we couldn't let Cinco de Mayo pass without Mexican takeout and margaritas.
This past weekend we spent a lot of time working on outdoor tasks - power washing, mulching and starting to work on our flowers - aiming to finish that this weekend!
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Toddler At Home Learning: Part Two
When quarantine started I thought for sure Tatum would be going back to Mother's Day Out after the initial 4 weeks off (two week break and then just continued until after Spring Break) but now we've solidly gotten into a routine of a couple morning activities (or some days just playing - especially if it's nicer and we play outside!) Water color painting is definitely a new favorite and other simple things like coloring, water wow packs, stickers, etc.
In addition to some of the learning activities that I bought (we still do all of the things I shared the first time) I've spent more time browsing on Pinterest for DIY activities and such. This one was easy to make and he did well at - colored stickers onto bathroom cups - first he sorted the cups by colors and then had to match the cups to the colored squares.
This was probably Tatum's favorite activities to date and it's from Busy Toddler. A couple drops of food coloring, covered up by a spoonful of baking soda and then he poured a measuring cup of vinegar over it to see it fizz until the color was revealed.
Another similar one that was a highlight was a coffee filter day - first up coffee filter rainbow - just outline a circle of each color on the filter then fold it up into a cup and he got to pour the water in and see the rainbow go. Next was tie dye coffee filters - he wasn't very into drawing the patterns but loved spraying the water on them to see it spread.
Working on colors during breakfast - sorting his fruit loops while eating them too.
Color sorting legos - this went well at first and he'd build by color too and then he just wanted to build them all together which was fine! I cleaned out our playroom a few weeks ago and organized a toy closet that he can't get into - many days I'll just grab a different toy or set out and it's like brand new and occupies him for a while.
Another from Busy Toddler. "Car Escape" - I saw it with matchbox cars taped down but we have more little people so I used those and it kept him going for a bit, especially when he tried to tape them back on.
Button Art - You match the color buttons to the color on the drawing - there's about ten or so different pictures to do. He had fun putting the buttons on but this will probably be better in about six months or so for him.
Elmo numbers - we've been working on numbers in many different ways but since he's taken a liking to Sesame Street, which we watch many mornings now too in addition to Mickey, this seemed like a fun way to learn. Also, his dress up Elmo set that the Easter Bunny brought.
On the same note of characters - Mickey magnets and while he wasn't quite ready for a whole mickey matching game, he enjoyed matching the cards to the characters.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Mother's Day 2020
Mother's Day was different this year of course like everything else - but at some points that day I forgot for a little bit about the situation we're all in because while it was low key, the boys and I had a great day!
Derek and I celebrated a little bit the Thursday before too - as golf courses are the only thing that are open around here, on Thursday evening I joined him for golf just to watch and drive the golf cart around. I think I'll definitely join him again - it was a really fun way to pass the evening especially in nice weather - we finished the night with takeout and playing cards by the fire pit.
Derek and I celebrated a little bit the Thursday before too - as golf courses are the only thing that are open around here, on Thursday evening I joined him for golf just to watch and drive the golf cart around. I think I'll definitely join him again - it was a really fun way to pass the evening especially in nice weather - we finished the night with takeout and playing cards by the fire pit.
Sunday morning I slept in which was wonderful! I went down to find a bunch of flowers, coupons to cash in laster (my favorite!) and homemade crafts from Tatum which I love getting. We made eggs benedict together for breakfast which was both fun and delicious.
We spent a good bit of the afternoon playing outside and enjoying the sunshine - great family time which is my favorite!
My parents and brother came over for a little bit that evening for dinner and it was great to see them as we barely have recently...
We were supposed to be away on vacation on Kiawah island with my family spending the day relaxing on the beach but I love my little family and enjoyed the all day family time with them that we did get. Once everyone went home we finished things off cuddled on the couch watching the Disney Family Singalong.
One item in my mother's day basket to my mom - matching Lilly masks (a very Mother's Day 2020 gift) - it was great to get to see her for a little bit after everyone being quarantined. Tatum was very proud of his gifts that he made for both Lovie and Mimi.