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Part One: Beach Views
Part Two: Beach to City
Part Three: Beverly Hills
Part Four: Disneyland
Part Five: Unwinding
Day Eight - WB Studios, Pool Time and the End
We got a little touristy again and headed over to Burbank to tour WB Studios. Years ago when I was in California with my family we did this and it was cool to see some of the sights again (Gilmore Girls, Friends) and some new ones (Pretty Little Liars, The Big Bang Theory, Harry Potter, Etc). We went onto the soundstage for Big Bang Theory and even though I don't watch it was cool to see. We passed the sound stages and trailers for Fuller House (can't wait for the premiere) and took in a lot of interesting facts. Many of the buildings are reused in different series, have a lot of time put into getting them just right for the season (they were about to change a whole courtyard for PLL to go from spring to fall) and much more.
The park where Ross had to impress Emily playing Rugby which is actually tiny (Left) and the park where "Phoebe Runs" (Right)
Phoebe's Dad's house where she waited in the driveway forever before she could decide to go in or not which also store the PLL props now (Left) The Gellar family home which is also now Emily's house on Pretty Little Liars (Right)
The photos below are all from the Central Perk set. As I said before, I had toured the studios years ago and we got to explore and take pictures on this set then as well. It's now in a different location and not quite as freely accessible. You're able to take a photo on the couch and look around but not roam as freely as before. They also have an actual Central Perk coffee shop set up separately to enjoy coffee at (has no resemblance to the set other than the sign below)
Pretty Little Liars:
They had endless landmarks from this series on the tour right now since it's such a prominent show for them which along with all the teenage girls, I'm a huge fan so I had no problem seeing it all.
Spencer's Barn (Left) The Delarentas House (Right)
Hana's House (Left) The Brew (Right)
Mona's house which was also Suki's house from Gilmore Girls (Left) A new building for the upcoming "five years later" season (Right)
Rosewood Police Station, City Hall and High School. All are just different sides of one building.
Gilmore Girls:
Even though this series is well over, they still have some of the notable buildings up around the lot to be used for other things but can still be pointed out and recognized on tours.
Luke's Diner (Left) and Miss Patty's Dance Studio (Right)
Fuller House had just started filming before we got to California so we were able to pass by the soundstage and trailers for the show.
One of the many entrance gates. With all the sound stages they have multiple entrances along the property to keep things simpler.
"Any Town USA" which has been used for more shows then I can remember the tour guide saying. They can make this street look like anywhere they want, even changing out plants and things like that.
After Friends got so popular the stage that it was shot on became renamed the "Friends" stage. I believe they said most shows take between 6-8 hours of taping since they tape the full episode in one day but Friends was more like 10ish hours since they were always having so much fun.
Outfits from some of the final Friends episodes as well as the infamous foosball and fridge from Joey/Chandler's apartment. Derek playing around on the green screen stage.
Night Eight: A Change of Plans
It was right off to lunch after our morning tour and then right off to the pool after that for the rest of the day. We had planned to do an Italian dinner for our last night but after all the heat the concierge got us a reservation for a steakhouse down the street which was much more appealing at that time.
The drinks tasted like perfection, we ate across from Rick Fox and we met the sweetest older lady who still emails us today.
We both wanted steak and we both wanted lobster so one did steak and one did lobster and they were nice enough to split it up for us. I very much enjoyed our lobster bibs too.
Outfit Details: dress: similar style // necklace: Jennifer Zeuner // earrings: nordstrom // purse: gigi new york
Drinks back at the hotel then off to the airport and into our comfy clothes for the red eye home.
Meanwhile back at home, Stella was enjoying her vacation just as much…
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Thanks for reading along with the details of our trip - can't wait until the next one!