Happy Thanksgiving Eve!
Nine Signs You Are Too Old to Go Out On Thanksgiving Eve
Sales! Sales! Sales!
Nine Signs You Are Too Old to Go Out On Thanksgiving Eve
Sales! Sales! Sales!
This week is one of my FAVORITES of the year! I was never very into the whole "Black Friday" craze, Mom and I always had traditions of doing some Christmas shopping earlier in the week and each year more and more sales seem to be popping up earlier in the week - and my favorite part - usually today there are some of the best sales online. Our office is closed today and I love searching on my favorite sights for the best deals - sometimes the sales today are better than the "Cyber Monday" sales and sometimes they carry through the whole weekend. You can find me with my computer shopping by the fireplace watching the snowfall later on today.
Loft: 40% off
Nordstrom: 40% off select items
Macy's: 20-50% off select items
JCrew Factory: 50% off and free shipping on $50 or more
Banana Republic: 30% off
Gap: 30% off
Express: 50% off
Old Navy: 30% off
Last year on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Kate Spade put up a pretty decent pop up sale; I'll be on the look out for that today :)
Hopefully some more to post on Friday, Stay Tuned!
Loft: 40% off
Nordstrom: 40% off select items
Macy's: 20-50% off select items
JCrew Factory: 50% off and free shipping on $50 or more
Banana Republic: 30% off
Gap: 30% off
Express: 50% off
Old Navy: 30% off
Last year on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Kate Spade put up a pretty decent pop up sale; I'll be on the look out for that today :)
Hopefully some more to post on Friday, Stay Tuned!
and for the second part of today's post...
Sam's Visit
My bestie/MOH Sam came down for a great visit last weekend. She got here on Friday and we lounged around before dinner at Fresco and then bottles of wine drinks after
Steve's simple and sweet Cheers… "Cheers to Sam"
After dinner and a few drinks we worked on getting some wall hangings hung up (they've been sitting on the floor in the place they are suppose to be hung for over a month)
Derek, the stud, and his stud finder hard at work
the three amigos at work, I love this picture, what a great house guest to casually snap some action shots
Mom looked so cute on the couch with my leopard blanket; I loved when I found it later all neatly folded

Sibling Group Shot

She even brought the cutest house warming gift filled with tons and tons of fun.. CHRISTMAS stuff! I can't wait to use it all!
My bestie/MOH Sam came down for a great visit last weekend. She got here on Friday and we lounged around before dinner at Fresco and then
Steve's simple and sweet Cheers… "Cheers to Sam"
After dinner and a few drinks we worked on getting some wall hangings hung up (they've been sitting on the floor in the place they are suppose to be hung for over a month)
Derek, the stud, and his stud finder hard at work
the three amigos at work, I love this picture, what a great house guest to casually snap some action shots
Mom looked so cute on the couch with my leopard blanket; I loved when I found it later all neatly folded

Sam left her mark and helped hang the bar hangings
"But why don't you like my sparkly holiday placemats"Sibling Group Shot
The next morning we slept in, it was fantastic! We set out for our beloved El Gran for lunch and then spent the day floating around and then relaxation time and Friends Thanksgiving Episodes
We set out for Casey's Bar (which Derek has been dying to try - so we tried it on Sam) for dinner and drinks and it was a huge success, we will definitely be back
Sam & I each got a Martini and they served it so cutely!
We had some friends over for a bit and then the three of us enjoyed our time at the newly named Sotherden's Saloon with a pajama party - best way to have drinks!
Lots of giggles and fun of course,
Sunday morning we made a very unsuccessful brunch and watched a few more Friends Thanksgiving episodes before Sam had to hit the road :-( I always hate when our weekends endShe even brought the cutest house warming gift filled with tons and tons of fun.. CHRISTMAS stuff! I can't wait to use it all!
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