Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween: This & That

Happy Halloween!  I'm pretty excited for today - Tatum has no idea what's going on but last Halloween he was only two weeks old so at least we can get a little festive today.  I can't wait to see him trick or treating - he loves holding things in his little hands so I think he'll enjoy getting the candy at each door.  Speaking of trick-or-treating - I have my Halloween candy bags almost ready to go, a few more to finish today...

Halloween Crafting: This went much better than the last time we tried at a holiday (around 4 months old) so I'm hoping to try something bigger for Christmas gifts but Tatum made some cards for family and friends with his little foot print and I turned it into a ghost - inspired by a Pinterest find.

Pumpkin Painting: I wasn't sure how this would go but figured we could take a shot.  In order for Tatum to not try to eat the paint, I helped dip his hands into the paint and guide him onto the pumpkin... next year on this one!

Halloween Baking: I was in a time crunch yesterday so I didn't make as many things as planned but I had time for my favorite Christmas cookie (with Halloween colored sprinkles) and some mini white chocolate pretzels.

Pumpkin Carving: We typically do this just before the big game so we did it last night when we had some family over and everyone helped out.  We all took them out for a test afterwards.

Halloween Eve:  Like last year we had family over to see Tatum and start celebrating.  He and I got some playtime in while we waited for everyone then we enjoyed some cheeses while we waited for lasagna and meatballs to heat up paired with a salad for dinner.


  1. oh look how festive! and while he won't totally get it - I think it'll be such a blast with him. love the painting pumpkins!
    xoxo cheshire kat

  2. I love your little Halloween Eve celebration!! Such a fun tradition. And those Boo cards are so cute!

  3. I absolutely loved be those footprint cards!!

  4. Oh my goodness so much fun going on at y'alls house! This is too dang cute!

  5. I love all of your festive ideas!! Looks like such a special time!!

  6. I love how you make everything so festive!!!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts
