Wednesday, August 1, 2018

A Day in the Life (6-9 Months)

After doing a day in the life post for 0-3 months and 3-6 months I wanted to do for 6-9 months and then again for 9-12 months as Tatum's schedule keeps changing (and then more after - I love looking back on these posts!)  Right now on the days we're home, we've really gotten into a nice schedule for the most part.  We're usually home twice a week, at the office two days a week - we go in after his morning nap and then Fridays we usually try to do something fun.  For the most part he's on a schedule but he's also still good about going with the flow - so days we can we're strict about it but if we need to be out then we just try to go with it.  I try to make sure we're at least home for one of his naps - sometimes one is at the office, in his stroller, in the car.

Monday is always our day with the most structure and normalcy - we're almost always home all day other than the gym and little errands - low key, eating light, getting on track for the week, etc.  I picked this past Monday and I'm glad I did - it was an "ideal" summer day for us and one I'll have fun looking back on the day went well... while most don't go as smooth, ha! He's at such a fun age right now, I'd love to freeze time! 

My alarm always goes off at 6:45 and I usually snooze it a bunch of times, ha! This morning Tatum wasn't up yet so I had some time to lay in bed relaxing, reading blogs and social media, etc.  

Tatum wakes up about 7:30 today (anywhere between 6:45 and 7:45 is usual) and if he wakes up before 7:30 we bring him into our bed to cuddle - today was the first time in weeks that he hadn't been up overnight or had trouble going down or been up super early (first tooth is coming in and he had been having a little bit of separation anxiety at bedtime).  

I let him come cuddle with me for a little bit before changing him and putting him back into his crib to play happily for a few minutes (only a few before the tears come and he's ready for breakfast) so I can get changed into gym clothes, put our sheets in the wash, unpack from the lake and pickup his toys from bedtime the night before.  (If he'll let me I love to have things clean and tidy upstairs before going down for breakfast). 

Morning is our time to get things done! He's happiest, I'm most motivated.  All mornings start the same - breakfast for Tatum at 8am.  Today he gets a pear/peach/strawberry mix then feeds himself some puffs while I unload the dishwasher, get Stella's food, etc.  

Derek comes down and always does Tatum's morning bottle while I head out to walk Stella (some mornings - this bottle is starting to get dropped as he's starting to eat more food). 

I'm back by 9 and Tatum and I head out to play on the deck - we had rain all last week and super hot weather before that so we haven't been able to play in the sandbox/water table in a while - he's so happy this morning to do it all. 

By 9:50 he's back into his pajamas (usually just plays in a diaper in the morning - he loves it!), cleaned off from playing and having his pre-nap bottle.  Goes down for a nap just after 10am (usually anywhere from 9:30 to 10 we start nap) and sleeps until 11:45 this morning - a great nap for him! 

Derek's home today so I run to the grocery store, put everything away and made pasta salad for lunches this week before Tatum's back up.  Also I get up my blog post for the day - usually during his morning nap I get work done in the office. 

He gets dressed for the day after his morning nap and we head down for some play time.

Noon is his lunch bottle and a few puffs - we're working up to eating an actual lunch some days too.  I have some pasta salad while he runs in his walker.  

We almost always go to the gym on Mondays - Tatum just started playing in the daycare section - but the weather is cooler today so Derek comes down and joins us and Stella on a walk on the trail for a little over an hour.

2:30 we're back into the playroom for a little pre-nap play and by 2:50 we're back up in the nursery for another bottle and down for his afternoon nap - finally shower time for Mommy! 

I had just sat down in the office when I hear cries at 3:30 and go up to rock him, he was asleep again within 10 minutes and would have gone back down but I was tired and cozy with him so I just rock him until the end of his nap.  The "holding" him for naps won't last too much longer so I want to take it in while I can... "to do's" can be done later.  

He sleeps until 4:30 and by 5 he's playing with Daddy so I can run into the office for a little bit and do things I was suppose to do earlier. 

Usually around 5pm the schedule goes down the drain - I have hopes but nothing goes timed as planned.  Dinner for Tatum is anywhere between 5 and 7pm depending on the day.

After playing for about an hour we do dinner for him at 6pm tonight - peas, spinach and pear with some puffs after - he fights dinner tonight but after a few spoonfuls gets into it. 

At 6:30 we do something I always hope to do most nights but never have time for - we all head out onto the deck for a cocktail for Mom and Dad, sandbox playing for Tatum and fresh air for Stella.

We haven't been cooking nearly as much as we should this summer but tonight I make a simple spaghetti for us and we eat around 7:30 - of course at this point Tatum wants attention so we switch off who eats and who plays with Tatum.

8:30 we get Tatum ready for bed (usually this is around 8 but we're running a little late!)  Daddy usually does the bedtime routine and I clean up the kitchen, playroom, etc.

By 9pm we're both done with our tasks, Tatum is asleep and we setup on the couch to finish the Southern Charm reunions.  Monday is really our only "TV together night" during the summer as other nights one of us is usually out or we're out together, etc.

10:45 hits and I've already fallen asleep on the couch and we head up to bed (I usually am up by 10, ha!)  I run the dishwasher, set out laundry for tomorrow while Derek takes Stella out and that's it for the day... just a simple boring summer day at home that I'll love looking back on!


  1. These posts are the best! So fun to do them every few months as things change!

  2. I like the semi-routine you guys have and that you go with the flow on a lot of things!! It's great that you're able to get out of the house so much and enjoy the fresh (hopefully not humid) air! xo,Biana- BlovedBoston

  3. I love these types of posts - especially because y’all are right ahead of us! It’s fun to see what your day looks like!! I like holding Brooks for naps sometimes too! They grow up so fast!!

  4. mom/dad cocktails and baby play time sounds so sweet! enjoy these summer days :)

  5. First can we talk about how jealous I am that you only have to go into the office 2 days a week?! I'm craving more time at home with my girl! He's such a happy boy, and treasure those multiple naps a day. The good thing about them dropping down to one nap a day, is it's easier to plan going out <3
    Green Fashionista

  6. Sounds like you guys are in a great summer groove!
