Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wedding Wednesday: The Bachelor Wedding, The Good, The Bad, The Inspirations

The Good . . .
At the very beginning of the episode when Catherine was reading item after item off the wedding to do list.  Sam had texted me just before I watched this part and said, "the part when they are in the car reminds me of you and Derek."  She was dead on, just Sunday afternoon on the way back from Penn State that was me & Derek.  There's no better time than when you have time to kill in a car to get some wedding planning done; we've done that the past two weekends.
When Sean said the thing he was most looking forward to was being announced Mr. &. Mrs. Lowe; I cannot wait until we're announced as Mr. & Mrs. Derek Sotherden.
When they were sitting outside at the Four Seasons in the garden practicing putting the wedding rings on each others finger.  I can't wait for Derek to have a ring on his finger, I think it'll look so good on him!
The chairs/mix-matched seating element.  If I was having an outdoor wedding, I'd love to incorporate this.
The hanging chandeliers & the alter, again, if I was having an outdoor wedding, I'd love to incorporate this. 
The groomsmen doing a group prayer for Sean before the ceremony. 
When Sean cried when he saw Catherine.
Mindy Weiss! I'm having so much fun planning my own wedding, but if I had Mindy to help, I wouldn't hate it.
The Bad . . .
How fast the bridesmaids walked down the aisle!  I was so distracted and couldn't focus on anything else for a solid few minutes because they were basically running down to the alter.  My girls will most definitely be taking their time and taking it all in.
Holding Hands!  It was so weird that they weren't holding hands up at the alter until the very end.
The "Honeymoon Suite Cam" that kept popping up on the bottom corner of the screen, that was just weird, I think Molly's face says it all.
The Inspiration . . . (or things I was already thinking of)
They had an uneven number of flower girl/ring bearers.  I love matching but we have one flower girl and two ring bearers and being able to see two boys then one girl walk down the aisle looked good. 
All the flowers!! I want flowers Everywhere!!!
The aisle runner, I definitely want to have an aisle runner.
The Groom's Cake! I'm so excited to make Derek's Groom's Cake -- I already have too many ideas.
And like every bride to be, I loved Catherine's robe.
Xo C


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