What a fun and relaxing weekend this has been! I'm not usually home for MDW but it really has been a blast - I feel so refreshed, the weather has been beautiful for laying out and grilling out. I am fully in "summer mode" and ready to enjoy all my summer favorites.
Mom and I went out to KOP and shopped til we dropped! Seriously, there were so many sales - Everything we came home with was a sale item! Other than a few home sale items we couldn't resist - everything was just summer fun items, not something needed for a wedding event

Some kids on the circle had a lemonade stand so we picked up two strawberry lemonades
We had some playtime outside
Friday night we did a little more "furniture looking" before our first summer dinner at El Gran - we were hoping for the patio but it was crazy windy, there will be plenty more chances
I love watching Nash lay and play in the creek
On Saturday, and every other day of the long weekend we got a long walk in and you could really feel the summer heat
On Saturday morning, Derek and I had a massage day at Massage Envy and came home to find Mom and Steve prepping the gardens for summer
Woah, Saturday afternoon was spent tackling this mess amongst DVR and relaxing
We went to the new Outback on Saturday night - you could really tell things were "summer quiet" because we walked right in - we tried out their new patio for drinks and appetizers but moved inside for dinner because it got a little chilly
It's the little things - I was in such a good mood on the way home from church on Sunday listening to music with the windows down
Nash and I worked on our tans out back
He was so happy it was summer too
It was all peace and quiet until Derek got home from the golf course
We continued the spa day theme from Saturday and got pedis
and made a visit to the house
and of course we had our big Memorial Day BBQ
and King Nash helping with dinner
After the BBQ we watched Father of the Bride which we've been meaning to do since like February.
We all spent Monday afternoon in the yard doing gardening, car washing and then enjoying the sun
Car wash time
Cooling off zone
Steve taught us about the mist option on the hose - how awesome, every couple minutes I'd ask Derek to "mist" me
It's frosty paw season
We decided to go up to the Bar Level of Harry the K's until the sun went down a little and had a great time up there
It was great to watch all the Memorial Day Pre-Game stuff
We went down to Harry the K's for dinner and then headed to our seats for the rest of the game!
Xo C
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