Wednesday, April 22, 2020

This & That

Happy Wednesday!  I'm not sure why I got Tatum a mask since he hasn't been anywhere in public since mid March but better safe than sorry and he loves it!  

I think the picture below will be one I think of when I remember this time.  Luckily, we were well stocked on toilet paper but what a toddler activity for a time like this!  He colored all over his stomach in sharpie shortly after.

We've been getting a lot of use out of our fire pit and spending time on the deck as well as nice walks when it's nice out - which we've had an unusually cold April - hopefully spring hurries up!

All the little home projects and "to do list" items are finally getting done now which is a positive to being stuck here - one of the biggest to do's was changing Tatum's crib over to a transition toddler bed - so far, so good!

These blocks were a recent purchase and they've kept him occupied day by day - they're easy to quickly clean up and Tatum's been having a blast building.

Tatum's half birthday was last week so in efforts to keep things interesting and find things to do we got him a new little tricycle to play with outside and had a half brownie cake after dinner.

I've tried to find any positives out of being stuck at home and the memories are definitely one.  One morning at breakfast Tatum brought out a cape for himself and then one also for both Mommy and Daddy and we just went with it... he was so happy!

Lots of lazy days and downtime as well...

1 comment:

  1. A tricycle is a great idea right now! Glad you've had weather where you can get outside. Toddlers are nuts! So much energy!
