Friday, October 18, 2019

Tatum is Two

Tatum is two!  We celebrated his birthday on Wednesday with a low key day at home.  We opened presents and had breakfast, he had school in the morning, took cookies and they sang to him then my family stopped over for a pizza lunch.  It was pouring that afternoon so instead of playing outside we opened a bunch of his new toys and played inside, had one of his favorites - ziti - for dinner and then watched a family movie.

He had his two month checkup yesterday and weighs 26.6 pounds and is 2 feet, 9 inches tall.  He likes most meals, loves fruit and pasta!  He's doing great sleeping - goes to bed usually between 7:30 and 8:30 and sleeps until 6/7:30... if he's up early then he usually sleeps in our bed until 7:45/8.

He loves to help.  He can follow simple instructions like put that away, bring me you shows, give Stella a treat, get a snack, etc.  He's learning more and more words and getting louder and louder!  On the newer side is football, shoe, let it go, what's that, one two three go, etc.

His biggest milestones were starting Mother's Day Out two days a week and flipping his carseat from backwards facing to forwards facing.

In the last three months of his second year he traveled to Avalon, NJ, Montecito, CA, State College, PA and most recently, Disney World!

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