The snow may be pretty on my walks with Stella, but we are ready for warm weather! Our little Tatum will be five months old this week and is finally transitioning into his 3-6 month outfits so I had my first session of packing up the clothes that are two small and reorganizing his closet. Speaking of Tatum, he's in full "play" mode and always wants to be doing something.
With Derek's travel schedule this month, we've been enjoying family time and having Daddy home whenever we can. It's also given Tatum, Stella and I a few overnight stays at my parents' house which has been a blast for all of us as well as extra Lovie and Poppy play time at our house.
The weekend before last just as we were finishing our work day at home around 4:30 the power went out and didn't come back until late Sunday night - not that there's ever a good time for the power to go out but the entire duration of a weekend wasn't ideal! We got our fireplace going that night and spent some time out in the car, had sandwiches and cocktails in the dark and slept downstairs by the fire to keep Tatum warm. The next two nights we slept out with friends on air mattresses and such, came home to completely clear our fridges and get ready for the next storm and 10+ inches that was coming two days later. Cleaning up from the first storm and getting ready for the second one kept us busy most of last week!
This past weekend Derek was away and with daylight savings both of my "kids" were up early so there was a spot for all of them in Mommy's bed plus a very lazy Sunday with naps. Luckily I had girlfriends visiting the night before and Tatum loved his playtime with his aunts - we had some other friends visit two weeks ago so attention is never lacking for our little guy!
And of course, Tatum and Stella continue to be the best of friends. As he gets more active it's such fun watching their interaction together. She is never far from her baby brother's side, knows to leave his toys alone and spoils him with kisses.
Gosh I don't envy your snowstorms/power outages. Those are hard to deal with in general, let alone with a baby. I'm glad you all powered through though and hopefully warmer weather is close by on the horizon!
ReplyDeleteIs Tatum sitting up on his own yet? I feel like they become different babies when they can do that--less dependent on you for entertainment (and then the crawling happens and it's like constant watch to make sure they dont get into something haha)
Oh man, y'all have been busy!!! So crazy the power went out for that long! Hope Derek's travels slow down soon - I know y'all want him back home :)
ReplyDeleteThe pictures of those two really are so precious! And it sounds like you have made the most of Derek being out of town with time at your parents and friends visiting. I cannot imagine going without power that long - you guys have been getting hit hard! Hope everything settles down for you now!
ReplyDeleteI can’t even imagine losing power when it’s cold outside, let alone for a whole weekend! Good thing y’all were able to spend some time with friends! Hopefully it starts to warm up soon for y’all!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how much late snow there has been in the Northeast this winter. I can't believe how big Tatum is getting, too!
ReplyDeleteMeg, Borrowed Heaven
Stella and Tatum are so cute hanging out together! So much snow still.. I can't imagine being without power for so long but glad to hear you all fared well. Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh we are so ready for the spring weather to show up! I'm sorry you guys lost power and hope the next storm isn't as bad...we're supposed to get 22 inches...eek! Side note - where is his play mat from - I love the neutral colors! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
ReplyDeleteOh man, I bet y'all really are ready for spring after all the snow that you've had and the power outages! Hope it comes soon!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sick of winter. I'm just totally over it. Sidenote - your area rug is gorgeous, where is it from?
ReplyDeleteHoly cow so much snow. I bet you are so ready for warm weather!!
ReplyDeleteI love that Stella gets along so well with Tatum. Snowstorms are the worst, especially when the power is out.