Happy Monday! We had a pretty lazy weekend as rain cancelled a lot of our plans but it was nice to take a little break. We started things off Thursday - Tatum and I met my family and family friends that were visiting at Longwood Gardens to look at the Christmas display and lights then Derek met us all for dinner.
Friday we finished up some Christmas shopping and went out for pizza night. I've been trying to get in ALL of the Christmas movies. We did a couple more crafts that I got early on in the season and Tatum was pretty proud of himself.
Saturday we got rained out of going to Sesame Place as well as a holiday hayride that night so it was and at home day! We crossed making Tatum's crafts for Christmas gifts off the to do list and enjoyed chili for dinner which was nice since the weather was so bad.
Yesterday we planned to take Stella and Tatum to see Santa together since it was pets day but the line was way too long so we opted to take a photo of them outside of the popup Christmas bar and head home instead.
Everyone took naps, watched Christmas movies and relaxed after lunch - it was such a nice break and even though not what we planned but nice down time.
Last night we had a Gingerbread Wonderland event at our country club - the houses and supplies are all out for the kids to make their gingerbread houses which is great because we broke the one we planned on doing on Saturday! Tatum had fun putting the candy on the roof then just wanted to run around with his friends so Mommy finished it.
When we got home Tatum watched the grinch (probably for the 100th time) and I got started on a new Christmas book before watching a Hallmark movie with Derek to finish off the weekend.
Those little Christmas tree hand prints are the cutest thing!