We've had a lot of fun with Easter activities this month leading up to the holiday. First up was meeting the Easter bunny for the first time and it was NOT a hit.
We also went on a hayride to "Bunnyland" at a local farm and Tatum loved the hayride out but again, hated the bunny! He did love seeing the baby animals after.
We made sure he had a few Easter books to read at bedtime and his Easter pajamas early on in the season. He enjoyed throwing it all, all over the place! (but likes it all now!)
We did a trial run at dying Easter eggs earlier in the week before we do them this weekend with family. He liked it but cried when he couldn't take them out right away. He tried with friends a few days later and wanted no part of it, I tried!
To prepare for the weekend my mom had a little Easter egg hunt setup for Tatum when I dropped him off yesterday - he was very into it and even more so when he realized there were puffs and treats inside for him to eat. They are so cute together!
Last night it was in the 70's and a perfect deck night - we played an Easter egg scoop game that I'd seen on Pinterest and Tatum could have stayed out there playing it all night - a total win!
Enjoy your Easter weekend! xx
So sweet! I love holidays with little ones; so sweet and fun!