Wednesday, January 16, 2019

This & That

We've been pretty lazy since January hit and have been enjoying some family downtime.  Early to bed, cooking at home, etc.  We kept our little trees up until last week and I miss them so much.

Tatum wasn't feeling well again on Monday and couldn't keep down any of his meals then just had no appetite - I'm ready for our little guy to feel better!  We've been doing a lot of cuddling and laying low.

Since we've been home a lot lately, we've been doing a lot of indoor playing and getting creative with anything we can - also lots of time in sweats, ha!

We went to the mountains last weekend with some friends and had a good time relaxing, eating and playing in the snow.  With both the Eagles and Cowboys in the playoffs we've had fun watching Sunday football but now both are out and I'm ready for some cozy Sundays.


  1. I hope Tatum feels better soon! Not fun seeing your little one sick! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Tatum looks so cute in his snow suit. Hopefully he is feeling better!

  3. Sorry to hear little man still isn't feeling well, sending lots of hugs! But days cuddled up at home in sweats sound amazing <3
    Green Fashionista
