The second trimester has come and gone and it was a simple low key one at that. It took a few weeks into the second trimester until about week 16/17 for my energy to really come back and it's been good ever since. Other than some soreness and growing pains, I've had a really easy time - I do take advantage of nap time with Tatum most days.
After the gender results didn't come back during the genetic testing and a quick amniocentesis procedure by 16 weeks we finally had our answer of "it's a boy!" and went into full blue gear mode.
Nesting is going on in full force - being at home so much from Covid is probably to blame - house projects, organizing, etc. I've been doing it all and am running out of projects - up now is the baby's nursery.
The baby's heart rate continuously stays around 140 - 150 and is kicking away.
16 week, 20 week and 26 week ultrasounds
We have one very proud big brother. He talks about baby brother often and makes a note that he's a big boy, not a baby.
At 20 weeks, though he wasn't allowed into the hospital, they still send home a big brother sticker for him and my 26 week ultrasound was actually the day before his third birthday and the ultrasound technician wrote "Happy Birthday Big Brother" onto one of the photos which he thought was really cool.
Congrats! I wish you and baby all the best.