Friday, January 17, 2020

Sesame Place

Catching up on things that I didn't get to before Christmas - the weekend before Christmas we took Tatum to Sesame Place, about 45 minutes away from here.  I'd heard it was really special at Christmas time and while it was very fun to visit, we enjoyed the Sesame Street aspect more than the Christmas aspect - there were some shows and of course decorations - maybe if we had have been at night for the parade and things lit up but I look forward to taking Tatum back in warmer weather to do more rides and focus on the actual park and not be cold trying to see the Christmas things.

We got there close to when the park opened - partly because we had something to do later in the day and partly to avoid crowds.   We walked around a bit and did a ride then got in line a couple minutes early to meet Elmo and Cookie Monster - we had about a five minute wait and two families in front of us so it wasn't bad - Tatum was so brave and stood for a picture by himself.

We saw one of the Christmas shows, quickly met Big Bird and then rode the carousel, which was our last ride - the weather was cold but not unbearable but having the wind hit you on the rides was not pleasant (part of the reason we want to go in spring!) so we went into one of the stores for a while to warm up and Tatum fell in love with an Elmo and Big Bird that he picked out himself.

We went over to the Christmas Village which was nothing special but Tatum was very into the train display which we watched for a bit.  There happened to be not much of a line for Grover and a few other characters so we jumped on that before wrapping up the day.

I had no intentions of waiting in line for Santa but saw that Rudolph was there and was hoping to find him since that's a Christmas character we don't usually see.   We decided to just go ahead and leave - Derek ran to the bathroom on the way out and I wondered over with Tatum to watch one of the shows from a distance then I noticed a cute Christmas setup - it was Rudolph with no line!  I let people go in front of me until Derek found his way over to us - I was thrilled to end the day on this note... Tatum was not, ha!

After this we left the park and grabbed a nice warm lunch then headed home for naps!

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