
Monday, December 21, 2020

Weekend Before Christmas

What is usually such a busy weekend out doing activities, going to events and getting in last minute errands was very quiet this year but with some fun still squeezed in.  We had a full quiet night at home which I think has never happened the weekend before Christmas. We started off the weekend early with a small birthday dinner celebration with friends.

Friday we had a few errands like a drive by at Tatum's school and spent the night in - working the baby's nursery, baking cookies and relaxing on the couch.

Saturday we drove by the firehouse to see Santa and the firetrucks and also Santa came around on the firetruck that night in our neighborhood - such a highlight for a little boy!

Yesterday was my birthday and a very low key one at that - Tatum was very ready and excited to help me blow out the candles for a new year.

We also had some fun visits from Bernard over the weekend too... 


  1. You look so gorgeous! Happy Birthday! I'm just loving this time of year. Enjoy the next few days!

  2. Happy belated birthday! I LOVE your shoes in the first picture!
