
Friday, December 18, 2020

Christmas Crafts & Activities

With Tatum at home the entire month this year I decided to forgo daily learning activities and projects like we did in the spring when he was home and do something Christmas learning related or crafting most days - we both had fun with it.  All the printables or ideas (then I made my own) were found on Pinterest.

First up, tracing the gingerbread to the gingerbread house.

These were both fun for color learning - matching the colored ornaments to the correct column and also associating the color with the ornament on the other paper.

Other color learning and probably one of his favorite ones - I drew a big Christmas tree and colored ornaments then he matched the sticker to the ornament.

Another big hit was painting a plate green to make into the Grinch - he had so much fun painting then was very proud to see the result when I helped add the other supplies. While we had the green paint out we also did hand print Christmas trees then decorated them with stickers.

Each year we do a special canvas craft - this year we went with Santa and finger painted the lights on for a border.  Since Tatum wasn't going to be bringing any ornaments home from school this year, we made some of those ourselves too.

These simple print outs from Pinterest kept us occupied one morning of the snow days this week - putting shapes on the right spot on the tree, tracing lines and cutting.

Reindeer food was another big hit - I hope it's as big of a hit on Christmas Eve when we sprinkle it outside - I let Tatum make a second one to put on my parents lawn since we'll be over there on Christmas Eve too.

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