
Thursday, October 1, 2020

First Trimester


12 weeks

At this point the first trimester feels like forever ago, in a few weeks I'll be into the 3rd trimester. Luckily, similar to with Tatum, I had a super easy early weeks of pregnancy.  The worst thing was being totally exhausted, even more so than when I was pregnant with him.  Luckily he still naps and being right at the end of quarantine, I was able to nap most days too and early to bed.

I had some other occasional very mild symptoms, barely any sickness, a few morning headaches, crazy dreams.  My doctor appointments went well, again being that it was right towards the end of quarantine in late May, I was able to go into the office like normal just with a mask, temperature check, alone, etc.

Around 11 weeks we really started telling family and friends and continued sharing the news for the next few weeks into the second trimester as well. 

8 weeks - first ultrasound

10 weeks

11 weeks - the night we told my family

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