
Friday, October 30, 2020

Halloween Eve: This & That

Even though many things are cancelled or different this year, we've been trying to fit in what Halloween fun we can.  I can't believe it's tomorrow - Tatum is very ready to "trick or treat."  Our annual chili night and Hayride to the Witches House was a success earlier this month.

I like to make up little candy bags each year anyway but this year our neighborhood agreed this way would be safest with a table setup in driveway so I had fun putting our bags together during the Bachelorette the other night.

Halloween movie night (is most nights) but with popcorn, cookies and Mommy/Daddy on the couch was a special treat.

Halloween baking - Tatum did most of the cookie cutting and decorating himself this year which made it more fun (and easier for us ha!)  Looking forward to Christmas cookie baking with him already.

Last but not least - Tatum is finally off to in person preschool next week as his school is finally opening back up.  A little Halloween party to celebrate the end of pod learning.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Halloween Crafts

This year has been fun working on Halloween crafts and projects with Tatum - he really gets the holiday and gets excited over pumpkins, ghost, witches, etc.  He also really likes helping make the crafts instead of me just doing it for him.

Hand Print Boo & Hand Print Pumpkin: Very easy - he loved doing the handprints and wanted to help paint his hand for the imprint himself.  I finished up the crafts with the rest as he didn't have much interest.

Paper Plate Pumpkin:  He colored and did the stickers, I put the face on.

Cotton Ball Ghost: This was another one he really liked helping with.  Glue did get all over the place as he wanted to do a lot of the cotton balls, but fun was had.

Color Spider Web:  I put a couple of each color sticker - red, yellow, blue, green, orange onto the spider web and then it was his turn to match up the color sticker on the sheet with the color sticker on the spider web.  A very easy way to work on colors.

October Reading Log:  When the library closed during quarantine we got fairly lazy about our daily reading.  He loves his Halloween books so we try to make sure to read one or two a day then put a sticker on his chart.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Choo Choo Third Birthday Party

Tatum picked a train theme for his third birthday party and it was such an easy theme to put together.  We celebrated with a few friends and enjoyed a very low key night - the birthday boy loved it!  I made cupcakes and cookies but ordered the food so it was nice and easy for me too.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Tatum is Three


Our not so little boy turned three years old last week!  He has fully developed his own little personality, loves to help and do things on his own, has been doing well with at home learning (numbers, colors, letters), will be starting in school preschool soon and his favorites continue to be trains, "wee-ooo's" (firetrucks) and golf.

We had a great day celebrating - it was pouring rain outside so we had a lazy morning playing with new things, Daddy was able to join us for lunch and that evening family came over for dinner, presents, celebrating and playing - he had a blast!

I happened to have a doctor's appointment the day before so baby brother even sent him a special message for the big day.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Third Birthday Wishlist

Tatum will be three tomorrow - this year (and past three have flown by).  He's at a very fun age for playing and despite a few toys we got to stay entertained during quarantine, hasn't gotten many recently and definitely is ready to jump from toddler toys to things a little bit older.  His two favorites are golf and trains so a train set and real golf clubs are high up on his list plus accessories for each.  He loves building, puzzles and anything he can do with his hands/on his own.  We're finally getting into the age of board games too which will be fun for all three of us.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

This & That: October Fun

This month is already flying by - on the first of October each year, we have a basket ready for Tatum with some fun things for the months - a couple holiday books to add to his collection, festive pajamas, crafts/activities to work on.

We got started on the activities right away, I usually keep them all in a bin and we grab out a few each week plus holiday coloring, Pinterest crafts, baking, etc.

Pumpkins are a hit this year - We had fun going to a festive fall market with Lovie and Poppy to finish our porch display and help with theirs.

Last but not least, I tried to get our fall decorations up early/on time this year - shortly after Halloween I want to be getting it down to get ready for Christmas decorations!  I also try to add more and more Halloween items instead of just neural fall each year since it's more kid friendly.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

This & That: Start of Fall

This season has brought on a nice schedule for us after quarantine and a lazy summer.  Hopefully soon Tatum will be back in person at school but for now at least a little bit of structure including soccer on the weekends...

... and a weekly golf date with Daddy which is his absolute favorite.

In addition to his preschool pod days, we've been working on some learning and activities at home the two of us including numbers, letters and colors.  Activities like puzzles or building this and can keep his hands busy are his favorite.

We got our fall mums and started on our fall porch display - with the excitement Tatum shows over pumpkins, our display continues to grow.

After our apple picking day I finally got around to using some of the apples for baking including a delicious apple crisp and apple muffins that we've been using for breakfast this week.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

First Trimester


12 weeks

At this point the first trimester feels like forever ago, in a few weeks I'll be into the 3rd trimester. Luckily, similar to with Tatum, I had a super easy early weeks of pregnancy.  The worst thing was being totally exhausted, even more so than when I was pregnant with him.  Luckily he still naps and being right at the end of quarantine, I was able to nap most days too and early to bed.

I had some other occasional very mild symptoms, barely any sickness, a few morning headaches, crazy dreams.  My doctor appointments went well, again being that it was right towards the end of quarantine in late May, I was able to go into the office like normal just with a mask, temperature check, alone, etc.

Around 11 weeks we really started telling family and friends and continued sharing the news for the next few weeks into the second trimester as well. 

8 weeks - first ultrasound

10 weeks

11 weeks - the night we told my family