
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter Weekend

While things certainly weren't as they usually are during Easter weekend, we still tried to do any activities we could at home and make the most of it.  First up making cut out Easter cookies then decorating them.

We did this colored sticker Easter egg - I think we'll do some more of these with other pictures in the coming weeks.

I was making deviled eggs for Easter brunch so we let Tatum color a few more eggs on Friday night even though he'd already done it - a total mess but he has the best time and since we've been working on colors its a good activity.

Saturday is usually our country club's annual Easter Egg hunt so we set up a little hunt for Tatum in the yard that morning and then grilled hot dogs for lunch.

Last but not least it was time to get ready for Easter morning - Easter baskets, filling eggs to hide for another hunt, preparing casseroles - a little different than usually since we always go out to brunch on Easter!


  1. I love that you do Easter baskets for the whole family! And just how special you make each and every holiday.

  2. He is such a little cutie. It looks like you all had a great Easter! Your dyed eggs came out great and I love the idea of cut out cookies!
