
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Labor Day Weekend

We have been enjoying these final days of summer the past few weeks!  Before the weekend started Tatum got in his last pool day of summer with friends.

To start off the weekend on Thursday my mom, Tatum and I headed out for a day of shopping and a chik-fil-a lunch for Tatum. 

We spent most of the weekend at the lake.  We had wonderful weather and a lot of family time.  Friday we arrived just in time for pizza and on Saturday we had a little tailgate for the first Penn State game of the season and a huge victory (79-7) as well as lots of time on the dock in between.

Sunday we took care of some things to prepare for an upcoming trip and caught up at home for a little bit.


  1. What a perfect labor day weekend! I haven't taken sophia to eat at CFA yet...maybe this weekend :) xo, Biana

  2. All the summer fun and of course Chic Fil A! And how adorable is his little swim suit?!

    Green Fashionista

  3. He looks precious in his CFA cow hat. That is seriously the best place to go when you have kids. They are just so family friendly! It looks like y'all have been having fun!
