
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

This & That

It feels like summer hit about a week early here - we've had the best weather since last weekend and are totally getting into the summer mindset.  We spent last weekend with friends at the mountains and enjoyed the first of many days just watching the kids swim in the pool - Tatum finally got down how to swim with his swimmies on, which I'm SO glad he learned before summer!

Just this week we've gotten back into our routine of after dinner walks during the week and I love this activity each day - they're never super long but just a little fun outside to pass the time before bedtime.

We've been having fun doing different activities outside before nap time too to help tire out our little guy which Tatum, Stella and I love.  He's got a bunch of fun new toys to play with and is at such a fun and active age this summer.

Entering the toddler phase, Tatum's been working on learning new skills and having some different activities each day - he enjoys coloring (making his mother's day cards for his grandmothers here), building things to knock over, pointing to what he wants, etc.


  1. He's getting so big! Love that picture of him walking Stella.

  2. It looks like you guys just have so much fun together. I love the picture of him in his little car outside - he looks so big - like a little boy, rather than a baby/toddler!

  3. Yay for swimming! And how gorgeous is that setting for that beautiful pool <3
    Green Fashionista
