
Monday, January 7, 2019

Christmas 2018

A few weeks late but I'm finally getting around to sharing our Christmas - these are my favorite posts to look back on for myself so I wanted to make sure to get it done.

After getting Tatum some breakfast we took him in to see what Santa brought - we started with stockings and his Santa sack and could have stopped there - his first stocking items he would not put down!  Stella of course got a lot of attention and gifts as well.

We moved over to the tree next and Tatum was such a joy to watch - he went right to each of his big gifts to check them out and then continued looking back between each of them - we let him play a little bit before opening up the rest of his gifts.

Tatum's favorite was his car - now he loves his kitchen just as much too.  He happily played for a little bit while Derek and I opened up our stockings and gifts then we all played fora bit together.

Next up was Christmas part two - about 10:30 we headed over to my parents for stockings, gifts, playing and our traditional brunch.  We let Tatum go right at it and see what Santa had brought him there.  Lovie cleverly put some toys into his playpen which kept him pretty occupied while we all started in on our gifts to each other.

I'll probably say this every year but it was all our our favorite year yet.  We spent less time dwelling on opening gifts and more time enjoying being together, playing, relaxing, etc.

About noon we sat down for our usual Christmas breakfast of coffee cake, sausage casserole and fruit - Tatum's first time trying and he loved it just as much as us.  We all took spots on the couches after for napping and relaxing.

Mid afternoon Derek, Tatum, Stella and I made our way back home to get changed and ready for dinner with all of our extended family.  I'd set up most things the day before and prepped food so luckily we didn't have too much to get done.

I kept the apps simple with peppers/dip, a cheese platter and some crab dip.  For dinner we did our usual ham, potatoes, broccoli salad, mushrooms, lasagna, green beans, lobster mac n cheese and then cookies and such for dessert.

We spent the rest of the night chatting, playing with toys, opening a few more gifts, enjoying a few cocktails and having a wonderful Christmas night.  I can't believe the magical season is already over - looking forward to next year already!


  1. LMAO at how the dogs are right under the table. I thought it was just my household lol! looks like a great Christmas and wow those cookies look delish!

  2. It seriously feels like Christmas was so long ago! I am ready to do it all again. Sounds like yours was wonderful!

  3. I love that you said that your Christmases just keep getting better and better. I feel the exact same way and that is such a good feeling!

  4. Looks like Tatum was a good boy this year! He got lots of nice gifts. I really like that play kitchen he received.

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