
Friday, August 17, 2018

Tatum Beau: Ten Months

He won't go back for another appointment until his twelve month appointment - ah one year! 


He's definitely grown this month!  Still wearing 6-9 month and 6-12 month outfits but filling them out more.  His pants are always a bit bigger/longer and t-shirts too - some of the onesies/rompers/bodysuits he'll be out of in a week or two.

Size 3 diapers are still what we're using but switching to 4's any day now.


7:30-8am: wake up (if he's up before that he cuddles in bed with me)
8am: breakfast - some kind of fruit baby food, puffs then bottle on the couch 
8:30: playtime - either in the playroom and/or on the deck
9:30-10am: a few minutes of a tv show, bottle & goes down for morning nap 
*errands, pool, playdates, playtime, etc.*
Noon: lunch - yogurt, puffs then bottle 
*continue with errands, pool, playdates, playtime, etc.*
2:30ish: a few minutes of a tv show, bottle & goes down for afternoon nap
4pm: play or some kind of activity 
5pm: bottle
6ish: dinner - some kind of veggie baby food, puffs and bottle about a half hour after
7:45-8:15pm: bedtime - some nights bath, then bottle and bed
Getting Tatum to enjoy being spoon fed was probably our biggest challenge yet and he finally wants to be fed, enjoys meals, etc.  Since he's finally enjoying his baby food (it's better if we take it from the jar or pouch and put it into a bowl so he doesn't see) so we've added in lunch as well.

Loves puffs, is getting much better at picking them up himself and that can keep him entertained for quite a bit.  He gets the biggest smile and giggles when he sees the container.

Favorites (non baby food): Mashed up bananas, mango, avocados, pineapple, yogurt 


Usually from 7:30/8:30 at night until 7/730 in the morning.  A few times he still wakes up overnight

Taking two naps anywhere from forty five minutes - an hour forty five minutes each.  Usually about 3 or so hours per day total.

The usual! We had a few cooler/dry days again and got back into the sand table and the water table.
Getting into anything he can! 
Chasing Stella around and my parent's dog too.
He walks all over holding onto an ottoman, bookshelf or walker.
Playing patty cake.

He loves "ducky" - his favorite stuffed animal and takes him all over with him.  

He loves to babble and use his voice too.  

Having something to hold in each hand - a toy, kitchen utensils, a pool toy, anything. 

Giraffes - he has two from his Noah's arc set, a few teether and stuffed animals - he likes the skinny neck to hang onto.

Being pushed in a stroller and looking all around.

Wearing only a diaper.


This month we've been dealing with getting his first tooth and a little bit of separation anxiety at bedtime - there was about a week where napping, bedtime and waking up overnight was pretty hard. 

Sometimes he'll cry if someone else is holding him instead of mommy - only when your tired or moody though.

Very squirmy for diaper changes - it helps if your holding something to play with. 

Fights his naps sometimes - we try our hardest to let him "cry it out" a bit (it's hard!) but that usually tires him out a little more and we do a repeat of rocking then usually good to go.


His first tooth started popping through at just a few days over 9 months and is still making its way through.  With his tooth he got his first little bit of baby Tylonal. 

Walks all over the place with either his play walker or radio flyer wagon to hold onto.

First words - dada, yea, baba, mama (in that order) -- has no idea what they mean but he babbles them often. 

Responds to his name (did a little bit last month too).  Responds to a loud "no" sometimes too.


More trips to the lake.

His first multi-day stay at his grandparents while Mommy and Daddy were in California. 

Made a trip to New Jersey.

He had a little summer cold/stuffy nose the day before we left for California - Lovie took good care of him and it cleared up quickly.

He's getting in his final pool days while he can - I'm looking forward to fall but will miss all his summer playing.

We started getting into tv shows a little bit - usually 5 to 10 minutes before and/or after nap to settle down or have quiet time after to wake back up.  Favorite so far is Paw Patrol.


  1. He is getting so big! Ugh, it just goes by so fast!

  2. What a doll!! Can't believe he'll be one so soon!

  3. he's a riot - so so cute! and what little boy doesnt just want to run around in only a diaper? ha. love it all

    xoxo cheshire kat

  4. The squirming while getting their diaper changed is so hard! And we're going through the teething right now, and it's so hard! The Tylenol really does help!
