
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Father's Day at the Lake

We got back on Monday from a great first weekend at the lake for the season and a fun time celebrating Father's Day - Derek's first one!  The weather was perfect so Saturday we headed down to the dock right away for a full day of sun.  It was Tatum's first time so we weren't sure how it would go but between his playpen and his blowup pool he loved it and did great.

I think a new favorite of mine will be lounging on the lower shore in the afternoons while Tatum takes his second nap of the day - peaceful, relaxing and sometimes I might nap too.  We stayed down on the dock until about 6 and then headed up for happy hour and grilled for dinner.

Father's Day kicked off with a lazy morning of sleeping in, brunch and then Derek and I each snuck a nap during Tatum's morning nap - it was great! 

Another full day in the sun.  We had about 20 family members up so Tatum had plenty of playmates and attention.

We celebrated Father's Day and everyone being together with a big pasta meal on the deck all together.  Tatum got to stay up passed his bedtime and then crashed until it was time to go back to our house for bed.


  1. So glad that Derek had a great first Father's Day and that Tatum enjoyed his time at the lake so much! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. seriously derek and his mini me are TOO CUTE. those shirts. and lake time is just the best. you cannot beat summer days like that!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  3. What a sweet Father's Day weekend!!! Tatum and Derek are twins!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. Look like such a fun weekend at the lake!!

  5. Those play pens are so awesome! We love having them for the girls! It looks y'all had so much fun celebrating Derek's first Father's Day at the lake!

  6. Oh my goodness, those matching outfits are too precious! <3
    Green Fashionista
