
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

This & That

Tatum is into just about everything these days! We've been spending much of our time just like these photos... playing.

Last weekend Derek and I snuck out for a a night by ourselves for dinner and drinks.  It was a great way to kick off the weekend.

Mommy Spa Morning... the best way to spend a weekend morning.  An hour of peace and quiet along with a massage and then some more time to sit was the perfect relaxation.

Meanwhile the rest of the weekend was pretty relaxing too.  We spent time with friends, went to a street fair and enjoyed some quiet time at home.

The most recent update is Tatum starting in with baby food! We started off on Monday for the first time with just a little bit of baby cereal and will go from there - you can see below that Monday didn't go great, Tuesday went a little better - we finished the bowl at dinner and played with the spoon as a reward.

In other Tatum news, we have a mover on our hands.  He crawls from his playroom into the office, he pulls things from my bookshelf while in his walker (I've already rearranged anything fragile) and keeps us on our toes!


  1. Look at him go - such a fun stage he's in and getting to explore everything! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. omg that kiddo - he has a fun personality you can see even from photos! such a cutie. let the exploration begin!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  3. I can't believe he's already on the move! It happens so fast!

  4. How much fun!! He's getting so big - glad he's enjoying food now lol

  5. The food pictures is too funny - he will learn that food is so yummy! And yay for a night out!

  6. That food picture is hilarious! And oh my word, he's doing great on tummy time! :)

  7. Yay for date night and a spa day - the best! I can't believe how big he's getting, and this stage is so fun! He's like watch out now momma!
    Green Fashionista

  8. He is growing sooo fast!! I can't believe it's already time for baby food, crazy!

  9. He's getting so big! I love his rosy cheeks :) Yay for some spa time! I bet that was much needed and appreciated.
