
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Tatum's First Christmas

Christmas as a parent is such a treat - we had the best time celebrating.  This was our first year sleeping at home, our first year in the new house and our first year with Tatum.  He had no clue but we enjoyed showing him his gifts that I'm sure he'll enjoy playing with as this year goes on.  As in the past years, Stella opened her stocking first, followed by the rest of us.

After stockings by the fireplace we moved over to the tree to see what Santa brought - now was when Tatum went first.  He held on seeing each and every gift left for him - until the very last one and right after he fell asleep - he has some timing!  Then mom and dad did gifts with the occasional toy for Stella thrown in.

After gifts at home and some time to relax (and Tatum's nap) we headed over to my parent's house for Christmas round two and another set of matching pajamas.  We did stockings once we arrived and then our traditional breakfast. 

After breakfast we all gathered around the tree for gifts.  Tatum slept and kept up with his perfect timing from earlier - he woke up just as we finished opening our gifts and in time to see his own.

We hosted Christmas night this year and by that we did the drinks, appetizers, dessert and my mom/aunts brought the meal, main course and cleaned up - it was the perfect combination. 

We had a lengthy appetizer hour and a delicious meal to celebrate the night..

Tatum spent much of the night up celebrating with a few naps and had all the attention.  It was quite special to have a full house for not only his first Christmas but also our first Christmas in the new house.


  1. Every time I see a picture of Tatum I just cannot get over how cute he is! The sweetest little guy! Sounds like all your firsts were so special this year.

  2. So sweet! Christmas with children is truly one of my favorite things, and I promise it gets even more exciting and fun as the years go by. :)

  3. What a special Christmas!!! He is just the most beautiful baby. You all are such a cute family!

  4. Gosh he's precious!! I know Christmas was so magical this year having him around! And it only gets better!

  5. What a wonderful first Christmas in the new house and first Christmas with Tatum! Looks like such a fun time :)

  6. Tatum did exactly what the girls did, pretty much slept through their first Christmas! It sounds like y'all had the perfect time celebrating with family, and I love y'all's matching PJs!

  7. What a sweet first Christmas for Tatum! Love your China as well! xx, I'm Fixin' To

  8. Tatum must have been such a good boy... Santa was good to him!! Love the matching pjs!
