
Monday, August 28, 2017

Pregnancy: Weeks 29-32

This one is a longer one - I feel like we had such a busy month, lots to do, lots got done and a lot of fun things too!

top (l-r): 29 weeks, 30 weeks
bottom (l-r) 31 weeks, 32 weeks

Baby's Size:
Banana Bread (29 weeks)
Rasberry Galette (30 weeks)
Chocolate Steamed Pudding (31 weeks)
Pineapple Upside-Down Cake (32 weeks)

It's a boy!

Best Moments/What We've Been Up To:
29 weeks: This week was busy! We didn't get back from the lake until Monday and we took off for our babymoon on Sunday with a few nights out with friends and such in between.  My mom was busy planning my shower and asked some of my wants and things - I can't believe that's just three weeks away!  I hosted some friends for a Stella & Dot party which was fun as I think in a few weeks our hosting will come to an end until closer to the holidays and after baby.

30 weeks: We went on our babymoon to Bermuda - it was a great time away relaxing and enjoying.  We also enjoyed our of our final weekends at the lake for the summer - one more to go.  Stella's been extra cuddly and loving this week - we make sure to pay more attention to her than ever so she doesn't feel left out in the coming months.

31 weeks: This was one of my favorite pregnancy weeks - my mom throw the best baby shower for us over the weekend and all the excitement leading up to it was such fun, gifts were arriving all week - Baby S is so spoiled and blessed already! The baby's closet also had some work done so I went through all the boxes and such from the move that have sat unpacked.

32 weeks - I had a dr. appointment this week (in the every two weeks phase) and all looked good! I just love hearing his little heartbeat - at 131 today and the Dr. also assured me I should be able to go to Penn State games through the end of September :) We talked little bit about pediatricians - can't believe how time is flying! I worked on getting all my thank you's done from the shower and we used our registry completion coupon at one of the stores.  We enjoyed a very fun day date complete with a stop at a new cookie dough place.

Oh my - lots! The last week of the second trimester into the first week of the third brought much more movement.  I feel it throughout the day but just about always as I'm laying down for bed/waking up it's the most.  When in Bermuda it seemed like he was always moving and it hasn't stopped since.  

Wall hangings and other decor have slowly been being delivered - At 30 weeks our Pottery Barn Kids order of all the furniture was delivered which was so exciting.  During 31 weeks we were having some work done to the closet so I finally got around to opening all the boxes for the move and trying to organize other purchases to see what we have/still need.  We grabbed changing table covers and are just waiting to exchange our changing table/dresser as it was the wrong color - should be fixed up by Labor Day.

For the playroom we got some of the wall hangings up before the shower weekend so everyone could see.  Most recently we hung the curtains up.  We started to try to get everything sorted and put away and will continue that into next week.

Maternity Clothes:

The third trimester also brought the bump to be more noticeable.  We had some cool weather at the lake last week and I was borrowing a long sleeve shirt from Derek since I don't have any yet really (most of mine are packed away anyway).  Living in dresses as well as maternity shorts (so comfy!) and a couple maternity tops.  I have one pair of jean shorts and one black comfy shorts set that are my favorites.

Not too much other than the usual! Wearing my normal clothes - getting the fall shopping bug and will spend August finding a few maternity pieces or size up in regular to get me through the start of fall/right after the baby is born - thinking lots of comfy things!

Nothing out of the ordinary - I fill up so quickly and some days it's just breakfast and a lunch/dinner combo.  Loving desserts - any kind, any time!  We haven't done much cooking lately but I got the urge recently to get back to that.  Other cravings include a certain kind of pasta salad one week, a breakfast casserole another week and a soft pretzel.

Feeling... Symptoms/Sleep:
For 29 weeks I definitely started feeling a little bit more pregnant - it was like right as the 3rd trimester started last week things shifted a little.  The babe must have had a growth spurt because I'm for sure noticing the bump more as well as lots more kicks - always when I'm going to bed too! A few nights of waking up for bathroom breaks in the middle of the night and finding it hard to get back to sleep.  A few days with lots of acid reflex but we were at the lake and I wasn't doing my best eating :-/ A massage was my favorite part of the week - and a pedicure.  At 30 weeks I was feeling pretty good as we were relaxing on our babymoon - I woke up a couple times each night while there though and definitely could feel soreness from walking around and traveling.  A massage at the hotel spa was heavenly! 31 weeks brought noticing shortness of breath on occasion and barely swollen feet once or twice at night, only after lots of walking.  A little pit of pelvic pain some days and I was completely exhausted the night/day after my shower.  Even if busy, I've been making it a priority to relax each night and love when it's time for bed! For 32 weeks I was definitely feeling pregnant - one day it was 100 degrees with the heat index and as we were out running errands I was just so uncomfortable!  It took me a few days to recover from the shower, I finally had some swelling in my feet a few nights, waking up for a bathroom break around 4am is starting to become a regular thing also.

Still keeping up with the walks! As we move into August some mornings/nights are starting to cool down a little bit more and it feels so nice out.  I got a little lazy late July and traveling early August and just set out in the morning but recently we've tried to get back to an evening walk too.  The most recent week I completely slacked and we probably only got in about three walks total - time to get back to it next week especially with the cooler temperatures in the forecast. 

Dad to Be:
Derek's been helping with all sorts of house projects and we have a pile of baby things to put together that he'll be tackling shortly.  He loves reaching to feel the baby kick and was blown away the first time he could see the kicks too.  I'm not one for too much attention so I requested him to help me open gifts at the shower and we had a great time doing it together - then looking back through them after!

Not too much this much but as we're getting closer to the end and I want to get things finished up. Later August we'll do the most shopping once the shower is over but I've tried to pick up things here and there.  Decorative pieces for the nursery/playroom, changing pads and covers, a hamper, some diaper bag organization items including a tote savy and some other little things here/there.  I had a good Babies R Us coupon so we picked up our baby monitor with that.  We had a shopping day at Babies R Us as well as Target and did a big stock up on things that we needed - also took advantage of Babies R Us' buy two mega diaper packs and get a $25 gift card!

We were completely spoiled with gifts at our baby shower!

Excited For:
Babymoon! We're headed on a quick getaway next week and the relaxing will be very welcomed.  I also have another doctor's appointment later this week, 3 weeks since my last and then I head into the every other week appointment category (29 weeks).

Setting up the nursery - the furniture comes in a few days and it will be surreal to have it set up - still waiting on the bedding though.  We're down to single digit weeks left and I love checking my app and seeing the days pass by (30 weeks).

My Baby shower - gifts have started to arrive from friends/family that can't come and it's so much fun seeing all the little things.  We have some out of town friends staying with us so I'm looking forward to the day before too.  Lots of house work going on this week - our plantation shutters and curtains are finally going in and we're having some organization done to the baby's closet (31weeks).

Our last lake weekend is this weekend and the weather looks perfect for it.  I'm also looking forward to finishing up using our registry completion certificates and getting the rest of what we need (32 weeks).


  1. your baby shower was certainly a great highlight and I love that derek helped open gifts - that's a great idea! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  2. so many fun things! i cant believe how far along you are. i loved seeing the shower photos and oh that baby moon looked heavenly! glad you can go to some penn state games too - yay!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  3. Your Babymoon looked amazing!! Can't believe it's almost time, time sure does fly.

  4. So exciting!! I can't believe you are getting so close. I'm sure this is such a special time in your lives & marriage!

  5. This really has been an exciting month of pregnancy for you! Chris got to feel the babies kick for the first time earlier this week, and it's seriously so cool to see them so excited!

  6. So exciting! Love the bump photos, and yay for movements! It's so surreal to feel them kicking and dancing inside! Bermuda is definitely the best place for a babymoon <3
    Green Fashionista

  7. I can't believe you're already 32 weeks! That's so much fun he's moving all of the time too!!

  8. You are looking great! I can't wait to see how you decorate the nursery, and I'm so glad you'll be able to go to football games next month!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  9. You look great, Christina! I love that Derek joined you for that last picture, too. So sweet! You're coming down the home stretch, girl!! I can't wait to see his precious face!

  10. You look so amazing girl! I can't believe how close you are now! Can't wait to see how you decorate the nursery!

  11. Can't wait to see how the nursery comes together! You were so busy these weeks, and I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying every minute!

  12. The best part of this update was that you confirmed that you can still go to the Penn State football games for the 1st month of the season... sounds like something I would do! :)

  13. Your pregnancy updates are so fun - I love how you break it up!! It seems like other than a few 'normal' things, you are feeling pretty good, which is always great to hear!

  14. You look beautiful! You are SO close!!! These last few weeks/months will fly by!

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  16. Yeah, I see the pics. We need to know pregnancy health tips per week. So we go to doctor and read another blog about pregnancy. thanks

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