
Monday, July 17, 2017

Pregnancy: Weeks 21-24

This post is a little delayed seeing as I'm 27 weeks but better late than never!  I'm loving having extra energy and taking full advantage of it - we're enjoying summer and flip flopping between the house and baby to do list crossing a lot of big things off each... 

top (l-r) 21 weeks, 22 weeks
bottom (l-r) 23 weeks, 24 weeks

Baby's Size:
Two Jelly Donuts (21 weeks/June 6th)
Jumbo Eclair (22 weeks/June 13th)
Bear Claw (23 weeks/June 20th)
Pan of Cinnamon Rolls (24 weeks/June 27)

Boy! At our 20 week ultrasound a few weeks ago, I said to Derek I really hope the bloodwork was right - we have so many blue outfits! Sure enough, we're safe :)

Best Moments/What We've Been Up To:
21 weeks: Settling into the new house - probably our busiest week yet! I snuck away for a massage after being so sore from moving and it was the best hour of the week.  Lounging at the pool to keep cool will definitely be a favorite this summer.

22 weeks: Lots to share this week! Right about 22 weeks I definitely started feeling the baby kick! I'd thought "maybe, is this it, etc." for a few weeks but it's that noticeable butterfly feeling now.  We got out for a belated 1/2 way celebration and I had another doctor's appointment - quick, easy and all looking good. Now that the move in stuff is dying down I'm finding myself with much more energy - when I get enough sleep - three nights this week I was up from 3am until about 7am then grabbed another hour or so of sleep.

23 weeks: All in all a good week - good sleep, good exercise, a few nights out, getting caught up on things, etc.

24 weeks: We were on vacation so it was nice to sleep in, relax and just enjoy being away.  A "mommy to be" massage was a great way to unwind!

Maternity Clothes:
Sort of! Summer dresses make it so easy - I've finally picked up a few like this that are a favorite. Mixing and matching on swimsuit pieces - trying to just size up for now.


Cocktails - it's hard in these summer months - the pool, the deck, the dock.  I love my La Croix mocktails though.  I still love happy hour - just looks a little different these days!

Doing pretty okay with food - still loving the usual cheeseburgers, donuts and refreshing ice cream. Also just loving simple summer grilled meals - chicken, broccoli salad, fruit, etc.  The thought of even walking into a steakhouse makes my stomach upset which is crazy because that's normally our favorite date night! 

Feeling... Symptoms/Sleep:
Sleep is good for the most part - occasionally I'll have nights where I wake up halfway through and just can't fall back to sleep.  I'm definitely feeling some extra energy (when I have enough sleep!) which is awesome.  My feet noticeably hurt after being on the go too much in a day.

At 21 weeks I was still dealing with the tired/sore symptoms from the move.  22 weeks brought a little cold which wasn't bad at all but mixed with being pregnant I felt like I was terrible!  For 23 weeks I can't complain, feeling good.  24 weeks I was a little sore from traveling, walking and such but enjoying a mocktail by the pool helped that :)

Mainly just walks (unless it's too hot!) but I try to do some each day - sometimes all at once or sometimes half in the morning, half at night.  Staying active definitely makes me feel better, helps with weight gain and gives me some extra energy.

Dad to Be:
Derek's so excited and keeps me company on most of the walks.  He's also kind enough to give me foot rubs and back rubs... usually after I ask a few times :) (he's more likely to after a few beers!) It was fun to have a little pre Father's Day celebration ahead of his first one next year.

Excited For:
A weekend at home!  We've been on the go so much it'll be nice to relax and get some things done  (21 weeks).

Going through the baby boxes - we've had anything we've bought or been gifted so far in boxes labeled "nursery" and I'm finally getting around to unpacking and organizing them - the last boxes left (22 weeks)!

Vacation... It'll be a little different being pregnant (my first trip I was only 10 or so weeks) but I can't wait to get away (23 weeks).

Getting back into the baby to do list - now that vacation is over and the move is done it's time to tackle some of our items we need to get done (24 weeks).


  1. I love the sizing of the baby with the desserts :) Looking good girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Love seeing the bump slowly makes his appearance. Sounds like Derek has been an amazing support and who doesn't love a good back or foot massage? Happy to hear things are going well! Have a great week! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  3. Your app for baby sizing is so fun! I'm glad you're feeling energized and happy! Yay for baby boy!

  4. The dessert app is seriously the best! So glad to hear that things are continuing to go well!

  5. Love how you are doing the sizing of baby! Ha ha!! So fun and I wish I'd had that app when I was pregnant. Feeling energized again is always a good feeling. You look great!!

  6. Feeling a baby kick inside of you is seriously THE most special feeling in the world! SO happy for you!

  7. ah you just look so cute girly! i get a kick out of the baby size comparisons haha. so funny. and glad you're feeling kicks now! so exciting!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  8. I totally feel you on the missing cocktails front! There's just something about the warm weather that makes you crave a little bit of alcohol! At least you'll be able to participate during the holidays though!

  9. Awe, how exciting to finally feel a kick! You look great and sounds like you're feeling pretty well overall, too. Your little guy will be here before you know it!

  10. How fun are those baby size descriptions! Yay for feeling kicks and getting your energy back. And this is the best time of year to be pregnant because you can just live in flowy dresses, but I hear ya on it being hard to not enjoy real cocktails while at the pool or the beach. That struggle was for real last year, but cheers to all the LaCroix's - the best <3
    Green Fashionista

  11. Aren't baby kicks the best feeling in the entire world?! Gosh I miss that so so so much!

  12. I'm so glad you're doing so well and your 2nd trimester is treating you like a dream! That's so much fun you can feel the baby kicking now!
