
Monday, June 12, 2017

Pregnancy: Weeks 17-20

I'm so excited to have made it to the halfway point! We have lots of fun things to look forward to each month from now until the baby's arrival so hopefully the time flies by!

top (l-r) 17 weeks, 18 weeks
bottom (l-r) 19 weeks, 20 weeks

Baby's Size:
Flan (17 weeks/May 9th)
Slice of Pie (18 weeks/May 16th)
Chocolate Lava Cake (19 weeks/May 23rd)
Ice Cream Sandwich (20 weeks/May 30th)


Best Moments/What We've Been Up To:
17 weeks: Celebrating Mother's Day!! I loved celebrating my mom and got even more excited to be a mom myself next year.  We kicked off the baby registry thing - while it was fun at first, it's totally overwhelming! We also ran all the new house errands in one day and I quickly learned that I need to move a little slower than normal. Looking forward to another doctor's appointment next week.

18 weeks: A visit to the doctor, hearing the heartbeat and setting up our 20 week ultrasound - for the morning of moving day, ha!  Thinking we finally decided on a middle name. Also realizing it's okay to slow down and do things a little bit at a time. 

19 weeks: Having fun deciding on the nursery and making lists of what to get - most items picked out it's just about when to order/get them.  We have our 20 week ultrasound next week (the morning of our move!) and I can't wait; it's hard to believe this is supposed to be the last one! 

20 weeks: We've made it halfway - so exciting! This milestone also falls during the week of our move so busy busy - it's fun to see a few moves labeled "nursery" be put into the baby's room for unpacking.  
Maternity Clothes:
Yes and no.  I've started using maternity shorts/jeans - why did I never before - they are so comfortable?? Regular flowy dresses and tops work just fine. Found a couple maternity swimsuits to be ready for summer - they seem to sell out fast! 

I slept on my back as long as I could - adjusting to new positions.  Other than that just really missing my wine especially with the warmer weather and nights on the deck. 

No strong cravings but definitely enjoying/wanting donuts, chocolate chip cookies and cheeseburgers.
I've been loving cheese sandwiches or pb&j for lunch to get past the whole no lunchmeat thing.  

Still not loving the idea of all meats and seafoods but it's getting better.  While the start of the pregnancy brought "give me all the carbs," this month I've really just enjoyed simple summer meals. 

Feeling... Symptoms/Sleep:
Tired, Acid reflex, frequent bathroom trips (although doing good with keeping up drinking water!)... all in all, I can't complain! 

At 17 weeks I woke up starving most days this week (the only time I feel sick is when hungry!) but a breakfast drink or some fruit cured that quickly.  A little bit of dizziness too. For 18 weeks I was exhausted - I blame it on that we were so busy getting house things done - quick afternoon naps helped.  I also had some back pain this week but again we've been on the go.  One day I came home crying for no real reason, Derek and I were both somewhat laughing during it.  With 19 weeks a few days with with back pain but I was on the go/packing most days too.  And 20 weeks I was so sore and tired from moving.

Weight Gain:
10 pounds from the start - I forgot to include this in the first post so about three pounds in the first trimester and the rest slowly since then, about a pound on week so on track. 

This month I really tried to make sure to stay active with the nice weather.  Longer family walks were key and we did them just about every day. 

Dad to Be:
Derek's been great like always - he goes on a walk with me everyday when he gets home.  Packing can be challenging when pregnant so he puts the boxes together, brings them to me then moves them once filled.  Always cleans up after dinner so I can relax on the couch :)

Excited For:

I'm so excited to reach the halfway point - I've been waiting for this milestone for a while.

Moving! It's been a process packing up while pregnant (luckily it's a good time in the pregnancy) but I cannot wait to wake up on a weekend and not have to pack, run errands, etc.

We have a trip coming up next month so I can't wait for a little time away just the two of us with no house/baby/other to do's.

Sumer nights! While I can't enjoy a cocktail on the deck,  I am looking forward to nights lounging on the deck and such.

A little belated but we're going out to celebrate the halfway mark.

A couple lost photos from when we told my Mom the gender and also our first shopping trip! 


  1. The baby sizes are so fun - chocolate lava cake!! :) Such a fun time and even more so that you guys are going away soon!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I love what you are using as baby sizes! So much fun and so you. You are looking amazing. A trip away will be so nice.

  3. Your little bump is so cute!!!! I love how you are doing these posts with a few weeks at a time. Sounds like all in all things are going well, even admist all your busy-ness!

  4. You're looking great, girl! I woke up starving every morning of my second and third trimesters and HAD to have food ASAP or I was sooooo hangry. I totally get it! ;)

  5. so exciting! halfway already that's just awesome. i love seeing/reading about all the progress. enjoy those summer nights on the deck :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. You look so awesome!! How exciting that you're already halfway?! That sweet boy is going to be here before you know it!

  7. Moving is hard no matter what, so I can't imagine how tired you must be from doing it all pregnant! Hopefully now you can slow down and relax a little. Glad everything is going well!

  8. I was like, give me all the doughnuts when I was pregnant! You look incredible!

  9. Can't believe you are halfway already! You look great!

  10. I still don't know how you did your big move while being 20 weeks pregnant! You're definitely super woman! I can't wait to see what y'all are thinking about for the nursery and the rest of the house!

  11. You are a champ for moving during all of this! I know you have great family that help out so that's wonderful! Love these updates!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  12. Yay for 20 weeks! That's where I am too. :) I'm with you on how overwhelming registering is! Everyone has their own opinion on everything of course, so it's so hard to pick out what I want!

  13. The baby bump is looking precious. Sorry to hear about acid reflux...that's no fun. My friend had the same food aversions to meat and seafood but she said it went away after a while. Sounds like Derek is being an awesome Dad to be and caregiver. I'm sure moving wasn't easy being pregnant. Baby shopping is the best part!

  14. Oh my goodness- you just have the cutest baby bump! & how exciting that you are already half way?

  15. Yay for reaching the halfway point! You look fabulous and are making such great progress on baby stuff! :)

  16. Girl I totally get the crying thing. I am not an emotional person but omg my 3rd trimester I cried like every day at the drop of a hat. One morning I completely lost it because Garrett didn't cook my eggs right hahaha
