
Monday, November 14, 2016

Moving {November House Update} + Giveaway

We're moving! I'm excited to finally share that we're building a new house!

We love our current location and we knew our townhouse was only going to be home for a few years once Derek moved here from NJ, while we got married and started our lives, etc.  We've eyed a new neighborhood that's going up under a mile down the road and back in August we knew the time was right to make it official, pick our lot and start the process!  We're thrilled to be staying so close, we've already made some friends in the neighborhood and some of our closest friends are building right across the street from us so it'll be the perfect place to settle.

We broke ground right at the start of November, our lumber should be in to start building next week and construction should be finished in May!

I'll be posting monthly updates of the process - mainly to document for myself.  We made things official back in August, in October we made our first two visits to the design center (having our final two this month) and in November we broke ground.  We make weekly visits out to the construction site (luckily it's so close!) and love seeing each step - now that things are moving along, it finally feels real.  We're so excited!

Our lot visit after we'd just broken ground.  Stella is already warming up to her new home and runs around the lot frequently on our visits.

The design center has been a mix of fun/overwhelming/stressful/exciting - we had a preview when we went through the process for our townhouse but many more decisions to be made this time!  We're going back on Friday for another appointment.

And last for today - back on that hot summer day when we made things official...

In other exciting news, I'm happy to share a fun giveaway with you all.  For the next week, I am teaming up with Annie from Home of Malone's and 16 other fab bloggers to give away a $300 Amazon gift card to celebrate Annie's blogiversary! It’s the perfect opportunity to get yourself {or someone else} a wonderful gift for the holidays! The more ways you enter, the better your chances are! The giveaway ends on Friday, November 18th, at midnight. Good luck and be sure to check out all of these fab blogs!

Hosted By:
The Lovely Co-Hosts:


  1. Congratulations on the move!! I'm glad you're going to do building updates because those are always so fun to read! Have you sold your current home yet or are you waiting until you move into your new one? We've talked about when we sell our home and it may be in a few years. We just have to find land first to build a new house on!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  2. That's so exciting. I can't wait to watch it progress and love the things you're are leaning toward. :)

  3. Congratulations!! Super excited to follow along and see all the finishes you pick out!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Congrats!!! Such exciting news. I can't wait to follow along and see how it all comes together!!

  5. So excited for your new house!! Can't wait to follow along on its progress!

  6. congrats on the new home! it must be so fun picking out everything but i imagine overwhelming too. so exciting! happy monday girly

    xoxo cheshire kat

  7. Congratulations on building your new home! That's so exciting! I cannot wait to see how the process goes for y'all. How awesome is it that you're getting to build a new house that's not too far down the road from where you are now? I'd be popping by every day to check out the progress :) Happy Monday!

  8. Congrats!! Cant wait to see it all come together!

  9. Such wonderful news!! Congrats. So exciting!!

  10. Congratulations, lady! How exciting. Can't wait to see how everything comes together.

  11. CONGRATS! So exciting, I can't wait to see the progress coming along! We built our home too, and couldn't be happier as we felt new construction was definitely the way to go plus you get to pick out everything. How awesome that you've already met some of your neighbors, which is my favorite thing about a new neighborhood. Everyone is new and comes together as a community. Some of our best friends live 2 doors down, and having them so close is priceless. Cheers to a fabulous week gurlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  12. Congratulations! House building is always so much fun!! I can't wait to follow along!

  13. Congrats on your new house! When we built our second home it was only about a mile away from her old house, and I loved being able to drop by and see how things were coming along!

  14. Congratulations on your new house!! The building process can be overwhelming and long, but so worth it!!

  15. Congratulations! Building a home is so exciting!

  16. Congratulations! Building a new home is so exciting :)

  17. Yay!! This is so exciting!! I have been meaning to do a progress update on my townhouse too.. I'm so behind! But this is really such an exciting journey- so happy for you two!

    xo, Kristina
    Medicine & Manicures

  18. So happy for y'all and can't wait to see all the updates and design posts! Love your taste, so I'm sure your new home will be beautiful!

  19. Congrats!! How exciting! We were set out to build our new home and then found a model home in the same neighborhood that had pretty much everything we would want so that's our new home now but I'm sure it going to be fun picking out everything to your own style ;-)

  20. Congratulations on the new home! That is SO exciting! I'm looking forward to following along the process!

  21. Congratulations on your new home!!! So exciting! I am looking forward to hearing about your updates and I know that everything will be beautiful! :-)

  22. Yaaayyy that is so exciting - congratulations!! May will be the perfect month to move in! Good luck with the customization process, it's overwhelming but so fun!!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  23. CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is sooo exciting!! I cannot wait to see the progress and the final house - it's going to be beautiful!

  24. Yayy! How exciting!!

  25. Congratulations!!! So exciting. Isn't this your second home you've built? Have you found it to be a difficult task to build a home?
