
Friday, August 12, 2016

Friday's Five

Happy Friday! I'm taking a break from my usual "Loving" on Fridays for a regular old Five on Friday today with a twist for a change...

Jordan and JoJo have been all about the public outings since the Bachelorette finale.  Last weekend they shared a house in Malibu (had me reminiscing about our recent time there) and it looked ah-mazing. All the house details are here.

Speaking of Bachelor Nation - Andi Dorfman should be thanking the whole Bachelor in Paradise house for the promotion on her book.  I've had it sitting on my bookshelf & now laid it out to read asap after all the commotion surrounding it.  Andi also responded to Josh's comments {here}.

After The Hills: That Was Then, This is Now special last week, Lauren Conrad shared all the details for each of the outfits she wore during the special {here}.  Her style is always perfect.

Sarah Michelle Gellar has been out promoting her new brand, Foodstirs, a lot recently and it definitely seems like a very cute concept.  I'll definitely be keeping this in mind for gifts of family/friends with kiddos.  {here}

Like most of the country, we've been glued to the Olympics this week.  Women's Gymnastics - I don't know how those girls do it; they make it look so easy - and the swimming are our favorites - Derek was screaming for Katie Ledecky and Michael Phelps as if he was screaming at the Cowboys.

Enjoy your weekend; Cheers! xx


  1. Have a great one.

  2. We have loved watching the Olympics. It's even more fun having Cam stay up a littler later to cheer too.

  3. Swimming has been a favorite of mine, too. I definitely get into it and there may or may not be a little yelling at the TV during the races, too!

  4. We have been loving gymnastics and swimming, of course! So exciting to watch!

  5. ah all of this! that malibu house i've been eying is just fantastic. i need to read andi's book. i am glad that josh is showing his true colors. he's not so awesome after all. addicting to all things bachelor ha. and LC is just perfection. i loved that special and the post!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. Yup, totally have to check out the outfits Lauren wore during the special. She is always so cute! I love that she wears stuff from her own line too! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  7. The Olympics have been SO much fun to watch!! I love the gymnastics and swimming, too - plus the golf this year - so fun! That photo of the Malibu house is amazing. That rug is exactly what I'm looking for our living room, really cool pattern. Have a great weekend!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  8. I'm going to be so sad this year when the Olympics are over! We've been enjoying watching them (especially the gymnastics and the swimming) every night. Happy Friday!

  9. Yessss to all the Olympics! And I want all the gymnastics uniforms, loving all the sparkle! And Lauren Conrad is just perfection, girlfriend can do no wrong! Happy Friday gurlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  10. I love all these links! I've been following all the Andi/Josh drama and I LOVE it! Also love the links to LC's looks- she's so fab! Have a great weekend girl!

  11. Oh the LC catch up was soo good!! I've been following Jojo on snapchat so it's be interesting seeing her with Jordan now that they're "legal" lol

  12. I still need to get caught up on Bachelor in Paradise, but I've been glued to the Olympics so we haven't had a chance to get caught up! Seriously though, Simone makes flipping around in the air look so freaking easy! I hope you have a great weekend!

  13. I'm in awe of the gymnasts. I really don't know how they do it! I was always terrified of falling on my head!

  14. That house in Malibu looks like a dream vacation in my books! I agree the gymnastics is always the most fascinating to watch in the Olympics.

  15. I've been watching the Swimming and Gymnastics in the Olympics too. They're some very talented athletes.

  16. Dustin has been screaming at the TV too during the swimming events! I keep telling him that it won't help them swim faster haha! Have a great weekend!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  17. I completely agree about Bachelor in Paradise promoting her book --- the last episode had me googling what she said about him lol I used to like him when she chose him but I havent been a big fan of him on BIP so far! Especially with her comments about him!

  18. I posted a link on my blog's fb about the cost of being on the Bachelor--I had no idea!! I have been glued to the Olympics too. I tear up whenever the do the medal ceremony every time! I could use a vacation right about now--lucky them they got to stay in that gorgeous house!!

  19. I have been dying to read Andi's book now. Especially with all the drama on BIP.
