
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thursday's Thoughts

Happy Thursday, all! I don't know about you but I am very ready for this holiday weekend that kicks off tonight. Today's post was actually suppose to be all about spring cleaning but Derek was out, I was comfy on the couch and Stella kept jumping up onto my lap to cuddle (how could I say no after her day, see details below) so a few Thursday thoughts will have to do instead.

On the spring cleaning note, here's a great checklist to follow along with.  I plan on tackling the rest of the closets, cabinets and drawers in the house but I think I'm going to cheat and have a cleaning service come in for a big deep clean and have the carpets done as well.

+ Yesterday was National Puppy Day - did everyone have fun celebrating their pups?  Stella celebrated by throwing up around the house multiple times.  The cause - some plastic from one of her toys and a piece of a tennis ball.

+ Our DVR is filled with shows that I need to catch up on but I can't pull myself away from watching old 90210 episodes.  I'm hooked.

+ Another thing I'm hooked on (and late to the party), Fixer Upper! I've been watching nonstop and my gosh Chip and Jo are great.  Even better is that my husband got me into it.  Most of my entire family and extended family watches - I guess we'll have a big group for book club when their book comes out this fall.  I've also already asked for a day trip to Waco when we're in Dallas this fall.  It wasn't hard to convince him - he was all in.

+ It took me all of about two days to finish Emily Maynard's book and I already want to re read it.  So good and if you haven't read it, you should.  She shares all about her faith and life experiences.

+ As much as I've been wanting to repeat this cadbury egg trifle that I made for Easter last year, I think I might be leaning more towards this bunny patch dirt pudding.  I also want to make a cookie platter with about four different things - I might just use half the batter so there's variety but we're not tempted with leftovers.

+ Five days in and I'm really loving this season of spring.  With the extra sunlight and slightly warmer temperatures, I'm so much more motivated to get things done.  Now if only the warm weather could stick for good.

Thanks for stopping by, Enjoy your day! Xx


  1. You wouldn't be alone in rewatching it on Netflix? If you say it is, I'm screwed tomorrow because that's all I'll be watching haha! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Poor Stella...hope she is feeling better today! I need to do a really deep clean. Making a checklist to stick to that sounds great! Love that you and Derek love Fixer Upper. With Chip and Joanna, it's definitely show that everyone can enjoy. It will be SO FUN going to Waco - I have that on my trip wishlist.

  3. 90210 is my jam...i used to watch reruns on tv and no longer can find them

  4. Oh sweet Stella. K hope she's feeling better. I only they realized that eating the toy isn't right. Ha ha! I love fixer upper!! If watch it all day.

  5. LOVE Fixer Upper and 90210!! Nathan is actually the one who started DVRing the new episodes of FU in our house, too! I would usually just catch reruns when I could. So funny! I hope Stella is feeling better today!!

  6. Your just now getting into Fixer Upper?? Omg, I love that show and all of her design ideas. I read an article that the couples don't get to keep all of the furniture and stuff...and if they do, it's extra $$ which kinda ruined it for me. I still love her designs tho and totally want to go to Magnolia Market!

  7. I have never seen an episode of 90210! How crazy is that!!

    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  8. I love Fixer Upper!! Their reveals are always stunning and Chip and Joanna are so lovable! Bower Power blog recently wrote a good post about visiting the silos and their store!
    Hope you have a great Easter weekend!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House

  9. Love Fixer Upper!! I also read that same article that Jenn mentioned. It didn't ruin it for me, but I was also like umm what?! Haha. 90210 was a great show and I remember watching it all of the time!!! :-) I hope that Stella is feeling better today too. :-)

  10. We are obsessed with "Fixer Upper," though it's so funny to see people going to our small ol' college town because of it! We like to say we lived in Waco before Waco was cool. ;) But seriously, that show has done great things for that city's economy and we love watching each week!

  11. ah i am loving the extra sunlight for sure. it's so nice. just last night i was looking outside a little after 7 going, "this is the best!" - and 90210 - girl my fav show ever. i actually have every season on dvd, don't judge! ha

    xoxo cheshire kat

  12. Love me some Chip & Jojo. THey are so real and adorable, I can't wait for their book.

  13. Chip + Jojo = relationship goals. Seriously. I could watch their show on repeat all day long. I'm super jealous that y'all will be heading out to Waco when you go to Dallas - I really want to go to Magnolia Market!

  14. Fixer Upper is amazing! I am in love with their precious family!

  15. Love Fixer Upper! And I recently watched Emily Maynard's wedding video and was in tears in 2 seconds. So sweet.

    xo Jess

  16. I'm starting to get attached to Fixer Upper, I wasn't a big fan but I'm starting to come around. My #1 HGTV show still has to go to Flip or Flop lol I really want to read Emily's book! I've heard from multiple people now that it was amazing!

  17. I have so much tv to catch up on my dvr that it's overwhelming!! My husband and I like to watch Fixer Upper together, but we're so behind (like we have 16 episodes waiting on us haha!) but I love Chip and Joanna! Their marriage is super sweet and I love how they tease one another!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  18. Oh I totally need that spring cleaning list, though I'll likely end up following your lead and hiring my cleaner for a deep clean instead (let's face it, I'll never do as good a job as she does anyway!). I was loving yesterday's warmer weather, crossing my fingers that it's here for good!

  19. My pups and I had a great day yesterday! I brought them each home a toy, and of course they both wanted the same one ;)

  20. Ahhh old school 90210 for the win! I was so excited to find a channel that still played it! Happy Easter Weekend gurlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  21. YOU'RE JUST NOW GETTING INTO FIXER UPPER?! Girlfriend, you've been missing out. :) So glad that you're enjoying it, though, and all I want is to take a long weekend to go to Waco to visit the Silos. I already preordered their book, too so can't wait for October for that one. I hope miss Stella is feeling better - poor thing! Finn used to do that ALL the time.

  22. When you're driving from Dallas to Waco you HAVE TO stop at the Czech Bakery in West, Texas and get a kolache. It's right on the highway, so you don't have to detour at all. So delicious!!

  23. Oh I haven't seen 90210 in ages! What memories. I second the above kolache stop!

  24. I had someone come in and clean before I officially moved into to our house (my husband lived there for a few years) and it was amazing!
    I am also obsessed with fixer upper and Emily's book! So good!

  25. I want to get Emily Maynard's book!! She lives soo close to me, I just love her! Can't believe she's already preggo again!

  26. Chip and Jo seriously are the greatest! I love that they are so adorable and just have the best time with each other while they make these amazing houses! I hope that y'all can make the small roadtrip to Waco during your next Dallas trip!

  27. I'm SO obsessed with Fixer Upper!I'm from Oklahoma so only a short 4 hour drive to Dallas and another hour to Waco so I've also asked for a weekend trip next month for my birthday!

  28. Are you watched the old school 90210 or the new one that came out in the 2000s? I like watching Fixer Upper, but country chic is not my style at all. I appreciate what they do tho. Loved Emily's book. Read it in 3 days!

