
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Month in Review: February

February might be a short month but it felt like it lasted forever - maybe because of the extra day.  However, there isn't too much to share - we enjoyed some low-key moments! I usually do my month recap the last Sunday of the month but with traveling, it got a little delayed but  better late than never!

We enjoyed date nights, hosting (mexican night!) and celebrating one year of having Stella.  A couple Birthdays were celebrated (a friend's and moms) as well as hosting a fun Super Bowl bash!  Valentine's Day was celebrated by the two of us and we hosted friends that weekend to celebrate with too! The remainder of the month was spent enjoying the sun in Palm Beach! (recaps in the travel tab above).

Favorite Posts:
Top Ten Blog Posts
Happenings {Winter Edition}
Q & A
Work it Out

Looking ahead… 
March will bring a weekend away for each Derek and I - Florida for me (this weekend actually!) and a golf trip for him.  We're planning to host an Easter Eve dinner again which we did last year then I look forward to celebrating that special holiday!  This month brings the day we met and some much needed down time.  I'm craving spring badly so slowly starting to acquire some spring clothing and accessories is definitely on the to do list! We've enjoyed winter and comfort food but testing out some healthier meals and having gym dates is a goal for both of us.


  1. yaya for one year with Stella - she's a cutie! I am also craving spring.. I am wearing the brightest sweater this morning with hopes that it arrives soon!

    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  2. A great month for sure! Can't believe we are already a week into March!!

  3. what a great month! yay for one year with stella and love day celebrations :) cant believe its daylight savings this weekend. it's flying by!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  4. Hooray for spring coming! It's in the 70s here this week and I finally broke out my sandals. I'm sure I'll regret it when an ice storm comes through next week, but I'm sure loving it for now. ;)

    So glad you had a great February!

  5. Sounds like February was a great month and you ended it in style in sunny Florida. I'm looking forward to hosting Easter dinner at our house as well. We always bake and ham and fry a turkey but need to start thinking of some side dishes and desserts. Let me know if you have any good ones.
