
Thursday, October 1, 2015


Now that I've gotten back into my "what's ahead this month" posts since summer is over, I decided to just do some fun goals or a bucket list per month you could say instead of per season.  October is probably one of the busiest months of the year (other than December, of course) to pack in seasonal things.  Like every month, just a few easy, fun things to add to the month ahead.

Looking forward to this month… 

Dallas Weekend: We had such a fun time the first year that we went to Dallas that we've decided to make it an annual thing.  This year we're headed back later this month for a couple days in the south plus a Cowboys game.  (See our past trips here: Dallas 2013Dallas 2014Cowboys Game)

Engagement-versary: Two years ago (hard to believe it's been that long already!) October marked our engagement.  Whether we do a nice night out or something low key at home I'm looking forward to celebrating that little milestone.

Second Annual Tailgate Party: Last year we decided to host some of the family over for the Penn State/Michigan game since it was a night away game so this year we've decided to do it again for the Ohio State game (our biggest game/rival every year!) and have also decided to turn this into our very own little tradition each season to come.

Pumpkinland: There's a farm right behind my parents house and every year they set up an area called "Pumpkinland" and people come from all over to go (during the month we have to remember to go out one of the back entrances from the neighborhood to not get stuck in traffic) and we've gone every year since I was little.   This year will be no different and at some point we'll get over there to wander around, grab a pumpkin to carve and enjoy some cider… maybe even a candy apple.

Local Fall Events: Whether a craft fair, a fall festival, a local high school game - I'd love to try to squeeze in some kind of local seasonal event this month.

Halloween Dinner: When we carved our pumpkin last year we turned it into a whole little Halloween night for the two of us and I'm hoping to continue that too and host my family for a Halloween themed dinner this time around.  You can never be too festive :)


Reading: I've got a stack of books on my desk higher than I'd like and haven't read a word since we got home from vacation, which I'm sad to admit.  Life just keeps getting in the way.  I'd love to read many of them this week (preferably under a blanket, smelling a cinnamon candle on the deck) but even just one for now will do.

Final Nights on the Deck: We're clearly passed prime deck season but I'm not giving up until it's too cold to be out - I'll hope for a few more fall sunsets while watching the leaves turn.

Fall Recipes: How many fall recipes out there - way too many I'll say and delicious ones at that.  I'd love to have some cinnamon and pumpkin smells coming from the oven, if time allows.

Dress up for Halloween: Because of Dallas travels and Penn State games, we haven't been free for Halloween or Halloween parties in years but this year it looks like we might just get the holiday in and we've already thought up our costume ideas - hope we get to use them.

Porch Furniture Covered: It'll break my heart but we've got to get some porch furniture covers ordered and get the couches, tables and chairs covered up by months end.  How much longer until spring???

Pumpkin Carving: Need I say more? Obligatory fall must do.

First Fall Mani/Pedi: I've gotten so lazy about getting my nails done.  So lazy.  It's time asap for a trip to the nail salon (hoping next week) and sometimes I drag out the pinks and such but I'm ready to go dark.  Tis the season.

Get Touristy: We've got a little bit more free time this month and it would be great to have a day in the city to adventure, possibly be a little touristy and enjoy.

Taking a Peek Back at September… 

+ Celebrate One Year: We had the best time celebrating one year together. 
+ Football Season: I don't think I need to elaborate on this one.  Our first two tailgates here and here.
+ Wedding Season: Our first of weddings for the season was definitely a great celebration
+ Down Time: So happy to say yes! Lazy nights after work binge watching netflix, a night or two in, football sundays in sweats - down time has arrived… some weeks.
+ Barre: Very sad this one is a no.  The studio near my house keeps canceling classes every time I look online - I might have to suck it up and go to the one a little bit further away.
+ Fall Decorating: The house just feels cozier with decorations and ours went up early.  I'll be sharing next week!
+ Closet Clean Out: Glad this one is done - bring on the cooler weather because the closets are ready and about five bags were taken out to the green drop.

Happy TGIT!
Linking up with Thoughts for Thursday today.


  1. You have so much fun planned for Fall!! Dallas will be a nice stop to make!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Love posts like this, it makes my little ocd-list making heart happy! Jealous you guys get to go to a cowboys game, I grew up with my brother loving some cowboys! You guys have an eventful fall plan, I hope we get to dress up for halloween too!
    Linds @ Not A Mom

  3. I'm excited for a couple last nights on the deck, too, and getting in some more reading--I fell off the reading wagon after my last summer vacay since work has been a bit hectic at the start of the school year.
    I'm sure your trip to Dallas is going to be so fun!

  4. October is going to be a great month!! You have so much to look forward to. Can't wait to hear about it.

  5. Pumpkinland sounds like so much fun! And yayyyy for Dallas, you're going to have a blast <3

    Green Fashionista

  6. Ok, Pumpkinland sounds amazing! Cider, pumpkin picking and candy apples?! Sign me up! And yay for going back to Dallas this year! October is going to be a great month! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  7. Have so much fun in Dallas. It's such a great city, right? And GO COWBOYS!!! love that we cheer for the same team!!!! Hopefully they'll get a win for you.

  8. I've never been to Dallas but I'm dying to go!! I also can't wait to go to a pumpkin patch this year... Just need to weather to stop raining and get cooler!!

  9. So hate that I'm going to miss you in Dallas! We're going next weekend!

  10. Great list girl! Seems like October will be a fun month :)

  11. Okay super jealous of this pumpkinland. We need one of those around here!! Sounds like a perfect Fall!!

  12. Busy, busy! Sounds like you have a super fun October planned, with hopefully some extra to make the month even better! I love hearing about all the traditions you have/are fun!

  13. Sometimes, having everyone over and watching a big football game at home is way more fun than going to the actual game. Sometimes. Or maybe I'm just thinking that this week since they're predicting 4-8" of rain for our game on Saturday... love this list of things for October though! :)

  14. Pumpkinland sounds like a fun time! Hope you have a great trip to Dallas!

    xo, Carly carly blogs

  15. You have so much fun coming up!!! I'm looking forward to lots more tailgating/football and everything pumpkin! Pumpkinland sounds amazing!

  16. Can you believe it's October already?! I didn't even realize it until I read your post! My favorite month.. I can't wait to take the baby to the pumpkin patch =)

  17. I love engagement-versarys!!! Such a fun little date to toast. You have good plans for this month! I'm hoping to find a pumpkin patch somewhere in the SF area seeing how we just moved here so idk where they are!

  18. Y'all are going to be super busy this month! Pumpkinland sounds like so much fun! Hope you get to wear Halloween costumes this year - dying to see what you came up with!

  19. We will be pulling for you guys to beat Ohio State!! Somebody needs to knock them off of their pedestal!! Hahahaha! Happy October 1st! :o)

  20. Yay for engagement month! Ours is in April. Pumpkinland sounds like so much fun is it a fair, a place to get pumpkins? either way sounds like a blast and to be so close too.

    liz jo @sundays with sophie

  21. I love the idea of a Halloween themed dinner! I'm looking forward to basically every item on your list!

  22. You got lots of fun stuff lined up for the month. Dallas and a football game should be a blast!

  23. Sounds like you have a lot of fun stuff planned for October!! I love Dallas, so jealous that you're going there soon! Have you eaten at Mi Cocina or shopped at Milk & Honey? Two of my Dallas favorites!

  24. Sounds like you guys have a busy month ahead of you of a lot of really fun things, yay to that!! Pumpkinland sounds fun so does going to a fall event. I hope that you are having a great week too!! :-)

  25. i love being a tourist in my own city! so much to see. happy 2 year engagement anniversary!

  26. I'm with you--I can't wait to cook more fall recipes. I love fall cooking and Christmas cooking!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  27. Pumpkinland sounds like so much fun! I wish I had something like that around me. :]

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  28. I love your list! Sounds like y'all will get some awesome things done. And I love celebrating our engagement anniversary! Can't wait to hear what y'all do! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
