
Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday's Feature: Halloween Eve

Happy Halloween Eve, all! Is everyone excited for the holiday?? We won't be celebrating since we're 
heading out of town but we got our dressing up in last weekend and got a little festive around here on Wednesday, but more on that below… How cute are these pumpkin designs?! 

The other night we had my family over for a little Halloween dinner at our house.  Crockpot lasagna (a new recipe and coming soon!) with salad, a few appetizers and pumpkin cookies for dessert.  Lots of laughs, lots of fun and lots of eating.  A great night to "pre celebrate" this fun holiday.  A little World Series watching rounded out the night.

Baking our roll out sugar cookies in the shape of pumpkins when I asked my mom to take a picture and poof! Derek through flour right in my face as she was taking it.  I was mad, I was covered in flour, I was laughing in hysterics all at the same time.

A few festive signs and a DIY.  My mom brought a very appropriate wine choice for a Halloween dinner.  Can you see the pups smiling? They always have a blast and Stella got another chance to rock her hot dog costume.
Such an easy DIY that adds a little festive touch (well easy if your husband cuts out the inside of the pumpkin - it takes a few tries to fit the bowl shape perfectly).  Hot Beer Cheese Dip is a perfect choice to go inside the pumpkin.
We always use the same cookie dough recipe for roll out cookies (mainly for Christmas) and decided for dessert to have some pumpkins.
Pigs in a blanket, Hot Beer Cheese Dip and bruschetta for appetizers, crockpot lasagna and salad for the main course.

Other Happenings:
+ College Gameday is coming to Philadelphia this weekend - my favorite fall Saturday morning activity. The next best thing to them coming to Penn State.  We won't be around this weekend but luckily we will be here in December when they come back for the Army/Navy game.  Getting my signs for Samantha Ponder and Scout ready now.

+ I'm all about a good sale but 100% not on Thanksgiving.  Not even on Black Friday - I hate the crowds.  I do my shopping online - the cyber sales have become fabulous.  DSW is keeping their doors closed on Thanksgiving and not even opening until 6am Black Friday - I wish more sales would follow along - wasn't the whole "Black Friday" thing about getting up early to shop?  Not taking over a holiday where we give thanks?  Other stores doing the same found here

+ Speaking of that magical holiday season - the Christmas count continues this week as we are just eight weeks away from Christmas.  EIGHT.  Tis the season, I grow more and more ready by the day.

+ We've been very tuned into the World Series this week - Derek's quite the Mets fan.  I always grew up loving the Phillies and hating the Mets (him doing the opposite - makes for interesting summers) but now that it's come down to the main event, I've got no other choice but to cheer for them - support the National League and my husband.  Hopefully they can turn this thing around.

+ There's a Kate Spade Earrings giveaway going on right now - have you entered?  Don't miss out - giveaway ends Monday night at midnight.

Cheers to the Weekend!

Linking up today with the Friday linkups -


  1. What adorable pumpkins and what an adorable candid picture, too funny!

    How exciting about Gameday! I have been a SAM Ponder fan for awhile and love Scout, too! I hope to see your sign on her INSTAGRAM! Happy Friday!

  2. Oh my gosh that picture is too much - I can see all those emotions swirling inside of me too!! Samantha Ponder is one of my favorites - she's always dressed so well haha! Have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. OMG I love all of those pumpkins, especially the first one! And I totally agree with you about the Black Friday sales. Nope, no way. Not happening. Sucks you're missing Gameday this weekend but at least you get to catch another one! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  4. I'm SO glad to see some stores FINALLY getting it right and closing their stores on Black Friday (or at least on Thanksgiving). Online is totally the way to go!
    All of those pumpkins are adorable-and I love the way you carved out the one for the food!
    I laughed when I saw the photo of you and Derek the other day--glad you guys had a good time ;)

  5. Love the pumpkins! Lots like a delicious meal, I love how close your family is...College Gameday was just here at St.John's University in September. This town was CRAZY!!!

  6. Oh my goodness those pumpkins, I found out this year that cute pumpkins are ridiculously hard to make too! Love y'alls night, I need to remember to have one of these next had it looking so yummy and cute!
    Linds @ Not A Mom

  7. Those pumpkins are awesome! I'm a big fan of carving and decorating pumpkins, but due to rain and just yuck we have not been to a pumpkin patch yet. :( I'm so disappointed. Cam got a pumpkin at his field trip so we have painted that. Hoping maybe tomorrow but it may be a missed year. Boo!

  8. cute pumpkins!! and cheese dip IN a pumpkin? give me that! haha. that is the cutest little party/dinner you had too. brb off to steal those sweet puppies :) have a great weekend!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  9. I love those pumpkins! I wish I had a steady/creative hand to paint like that

  10. Have fun on your trip this weekend! Love the picture of you and Hubs "baking." The older I get, the more I like to stay home on Black Friday as well! I wish all the stores would go back to opening on Friday instead of Thursday!

  11. How fun! Love all the pumpkins. I did not carve or paint one this year.. I feel like a major fail haha!

  12. Those pumpkins are gorgeous! So much inspiration there. Also, crock pot lasagna is literally one of my favorite dishes. I'm excited to see your recipe so I can try yours!

  13. What a great idea for a halloween party with that pumpkin - I love it! Also, I agree with you on the black Friday shopping - it really has gotten out of control but I am happy to see that more stores are coming around and remembering that this is a time that needs to be spent with loved ones. I hope more stores get added to the list as we get closer to Thanksgiving.

  14. I love all the pumpkin designs! Such a great alternative to actually carving pumpkins!! So fun you got to do a little get together with your family. That picture of you and Derek is too funny! Samantha Ponder and Scout are my favorite...they are both just so dang cute!

  15. Although I love sales, I am not a Black Friday shopper either! I just can't be bother to go out and face the crowds when I could be at home having leftovers. I'm a huge Cyber Monday fan! You are making me more excited for Christmas...I am really looking forward to Christmassy posts from you!

  16. Looks like lots of fun!! Those pumpkins are too cute!!

  17. Ah, I love when College Gameday comes to town! We were so hoping that they would come to Athens for the GA/Bama game, but they had just gone to a Bama game, so they didn't. :o(

    And yes, I'm so with you about the whole Black Friday thing... we rarely go out on Black Friday and if we do, we go in the evening after the crowds are gone. Sometimes you can still find some good deals!

  18. Love those pumpkins!! I also love your party spread, everything looks delicious. I work in retail and I'm not a fan of shopping on Black Friday. I worked last year and it was pretty slow which I didn't mind at all. People need to take time to be with their families and friends. I grew up going to Mets games but since I've lived in Chicago for the past 15 years I have become a Cubs fan. Especially since I live like 12 blocks from Wrigley now. SO, due to my heartbreak last week (for like a day lol) I'm not sure that I can root for the Mets.. Anyway!! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!! :-)

  19. What a fun little party! LOVE all those pumpkins! I was trying to think of a fun way to decorate one this year

  20. I shop the sales online too-especially on Cyber Monday! Also, I love that pumpkin punch bowl-what a great idea!

  21. Those pumpkins in the beginning are so cute and girly! I love the fact that you out the dip bowl in the pumpkin! It's such a cute way to get festive! Have a great Halloween!

  22. My husband is rooting for the Mets right now too because he's a fan of Matt Harvey. I love those chic pumpkins! They looks so good!

  23. The pumpkins!!! i'm definitely decorating one of ours next year, if not later this weekend haha, since ours will sit out for the next month and half.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  24. What a fun family dinner! That photo of you and the hubs is too cute/priceless. Girl, I hear you about Black Friday - let people stay home with family! Sheesh. Have a good weekend!
