
Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday's Feature: Current Favorites


Fall has so many great aspects to offer - so many things to do, places to see, foods to eat, scents to smell - what's not to love?! I've rounded up a few of my current favorites at the moment about fall and in general for this quite chilly Friday.

Friday Night Lights - I'm on the final season and so obsessed.  I think I started watching about a month ago and have flown through it and find myself watching with ever free second and am not sure what I'l l'll do to keep myself occupied.

Crockpots - the last time we made a meal on the stove, oven or grill was… I can't remember when.  It's been a huge crockpot kick around here (loving soups especially more than ever before).

Fall shopping - last year we got back from the honeymoon late September and jumped right into the end of wedding season plus football season so for the most part I didn't really do much fall shopping, just making do with what I had.  It's been fun to have some leisurely shopping trips throughout the mall.

Neutrals - As much as I wear and love bright colors (not only in the summer but my eye goes to fall/winter brights too) but neutrals are so classic for me this year.  Throughout the home as always but also in apparel.  Of course, stripes and plaid too - I haven't worn much of those yet though.

Candles, Soaps and Scents - My parents had a fireplace, Derek's parents had a fireplace but our new house doesn't have a fireplace so last winter was the first time I really got into candles (I always used to be nervous of fires before, ha!) and wow - I've been missing out on all these fall scents.  (Pumpkin cupcake, cinnamon pumpkin swirl, sweet cinnamon pumpkin, pumpkin pecan waffles).  

Fall Temperatures - Having the windows open, waking up for walks in the cool morning temperatures is my kind of season.

Walks with Stella - Continuing on the previous, the current temperatures make walking easy.  Morning, afternoon, evening - we're getting in at least two walks per day.

Date Nights - For our schedule these have been happening on Thursday nights whether just the two of us or with friends but I love that then end with the TGIT shows (Just Scandal and Murder, I'm not a Grey's fan)

Tailgates - Need I say more? I'm a tailgate gal (See the most recent herehere and here)

Lazy Football Days - While I would rather BE at the Penn State games, I do love being lazy and watching from the couch.  Same goes for our new lazy Sunday NFL routine too.

Pumpkin Everything - While I don't like the taste of pumpkin anything, I do enjoy the smell as well as the sight.  Tis the season.

Cookbooks - My favorite "go-to" place for recipe is of course Pinterest (or my mom) but with some more free time, I've been having fun flipping through the shelves of cookbooks that I do have.

Fall Outfits - This is the first week where there has really been a crisp feel in the air and I've really been enjoying dipping into my new and old fall clothes piles.

Other Happenings:

+ With my serious love for tailgates, it was interesting to read this article with tips to help make tailgate prep easier.

+ I've always loved Sperry's - the rain boots, the original shoe, but right now my favorites are the sneakers.  I even got mine dirty in the rain a few wears in, found a simple way to clean them and they look good as new.

+ Our biggest rivalry game of the year is upon us this weekend - vs Ohio State.  We almost beat them last year in double overtime and I'm hoping this is the year we do.  Someone needs to overtake them and I'd love it to be us.  It's an away game so we're having our second annual tailgate party at home to watch.

+ We're suppose to have our coldest temperatures yet this weekend so fall is definitely in full swing - stay warm!

Cheers to the Weekend!

Linking up today with the Friday linkups -


  1. YES to so many of these! Crock pots--so many yummy meals to make during Fall and Winter, and the Fall outfits are totally a perk of the season, too!
    Hope you have a great FALL weekend!

  2. Crockpots are the best! I have a few go to recipes but am always looking for new ones. :)

  3. I love all of these! I just started watching Friday Night Lights about a month ago too but am only on the second season - you've flown through haha

  4. Yes to everything you have listed for being your fall favorites! Unfortunately, the temperatures haven't completely dropped in Texas just yet (we're still in the 90s in the afternoons) but I'm hoping that this cold front will stick this time! And Friday Night Lights is on my short list to binge watch after we get our DVR cleared out. It sounds like both Penn State and A&M have some big games this weekend. Hopefully they can both pull off a win!

  5. all of this is great! i love fall for pretty much all of those reasons :) who doesn't love fall scents, pumpkins everywhere and football galore?! happy friday!!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  6. I actually enjoy fall clothes more than spring and summer clothes. :-) We have SO many cute things at work right now its like I want it all haha. I am still on this search for a fall candle too!! I hope that you have a great weekend!! :-)

  7. It's so fun to read football fans from the perspective of not an OSU fan! OSU is mine and my husbands alma mater, and he was in the band...our dog is named after our school song -- Our love runs deep. But I've always said that I would love to be able to look at it all from the outside, and not as a part of it like I always have been.

    Hopefully it's a great time, and you have a wonderful home tailgate! ...and that OSU stays undefeated. ;)

  8. I LOVE me some FNL, it is such a good series and I think they did an AMAZING job of closing it all out. You will love the finale :)!

    I am into neutrals this fall as well. It's fun when you're normally a BRIGHT colors person to change it up, right?

    Soooooooooooo, I guess we aren't friends this weekend since I'm a big OSU fan ;)! My husband will actually be at the game and I'm so excited for him. Hope you have a great weekend!

  9. Love all your fall things!! I can't wait to get to a tailgate this year!! Happy Weekend!

  10. I have been fall shopping like crazy! I need to stop LOL. Oh who am I kidding?! Love that scarf! And I'm the same way about pumpkin, hate the taste, love the smell! Happy Friday! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  11. I've been on a huge crockpot kick too, nothing like coming home to dinner being ready and the house smelling yummy!

    Happy Friday gurlie <3

    Green Fashionista

  12. Ahh everything you mentioned have been my favorites, too. I am just loving this weather! Friday Night Lights was a total binge watch for me last year. I was obsessed...pretty much all I wanted to do with my free time. It's so bittersweet when you get to the end of a good show...I just always want more! Have a great weekend!

  13. Love all of your Fall things!! We binge- watched Friday Night Lights, too! It's soooo good!!

  14. Obviously I love everything on this list, but I have to say that I can particularly relate to the cookbook thing...mine have been gathering dust on my shelf for years but for some reason, I've been flipping through them much more frequently this fall and have discovered quite a few gems hidden in the pages!

  15. i love your whole list. I so love those pumpkin cupcake candles from Bath & Body Works. I need to get more. They smell so good.

  16. I guess once we get done with Parenthood we're going to have to jump on board the Friday Night Lights train! I've heard nothing but good things about it! We're just now on season four of Parenthood, though, so it will be a while as our binge watching isn't really binge watching... these days we only have enough time to squeak out one episode per week because we're too busy watching football and fall shows! Have a great weekend!

  17. Love this whole list! I really need to watch Friday Night Lights soon! I love being at the games too, but lazy football days are so nice. :)

  18. Love everything about Fall!! Those Sperry sneakers are really cute - I love the traditional boat shoes (that's actually how Stephen and I met lol) Have so much fun hosting your tailgate party - sounds like a blast!!

  19. I'm with you: FNL is amazing!!! We are on Season 3 and still as obsessed as ever. And I'm OBSESSED with my Bath & Body Works Pumpkin Pecan Waffles candle.

  20. I started Friday Night Lights at the beginning of September and I am totally hooked! I started watching it because a few friends had recommended it, and to be honest, I was skeptical at first...but I was wrong! Its so addicting.
    I am loving the fall temperatures too. Last week it was finally chilly enough for me to be able to wear a blanket scarf for the first time last week and I loved it!

  21. I'm ready for fall temperatures! We hit the 90s twice this week, and I'm so over it! I'm ready for it to feel like fall!!

  22. Yes to each and every item on this list especially tailgates, lazy football sundays and cooler temperatures! Have an awesome weekend! Xo, Stephanie

  23. I love all your fall favorites, and my best friend is a Penn State grad so I know how serious the football games are. Have a great Sunday!

  24. Friday Night Lights is one of my favorite shows of all time!! We binge watched it two falls ago and fell in love. I cried when it ended, haha!

  25. I have never watched FNL, but I feel like I need to get on board. Love that scarf in the bottom right picture. Also, loving my crockpot this year too! xo

  26. Crockpot meals & Friday Night Lights = love. I just rewatched all of FNL recently and remembered again why I love it so so much!

  27. Would you mind posting a crockpot recipe (or two?) Mine is sadly crying in the cupboard from lack of use.

  28. pretty much everything i love right here in one list!!
