
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Month in Review: July

In this case the last Saturday of the month somehow turned into the first Saturday Sunday of the new month, ha! August came TOO quickly - how do we only have one month of summer left?!

A couple glimpses of some of my favorite memories of the past month…

Doesn't every July have much to do with the Fourth of July?! We decorated for holiday, celebrated with a BBQ, spent the holiday at the lake and had one of my best gal's visit.

We celebrated one year since our house was finished being built and when we started the move in process.

I also shared a little peek into our house including some of our favorite places and things.  You can find it: here

Lots of relaxing, feet up, enjoying the deck and sipping cocktails - isn't that what summer nights are for?!

We had a little long weekend getaway to Boston (recaps here & here) with my family and loved the city including the slightly cooler (and breezier temperatures).

One of the most "summer" activities - we had plenty of trips down to the ballpark to see the Phillies, enjoy some ballpark food as well as a cold beer.

A weekend trip down to DC to see some of our best friends… 

We did dinners on the deck any and every night that we could.  I will so miss these when the winter hits and plan to continue as far into fall as I can.

Another one of our best friends stopped by on her way home and was able to enjoy a night out at Dining Under the Stars with us. 

We finished off the month with a weekend trip to the lake with perfect weather, lots of dock time and a great family happy hour on the porch.

These two pups own the lake - they could not love swimming more.  Little miss has adjusted to the water, doesn't need her life jacket and is such a water lover.

Just because it's too cute not to re-share and include… 

Favorite Posts This Month… 

Past month reviews
january // february // march // april // may // june


  1. I'm so jealous of your al fresco dinners! It's just too darn hot here in Louisiana!

  2. What a great, classic summer month! Here's to August :)

  3. You had one amazing month!! I loved reading about it and look forward to what August holds for you. :)

  4. Looks like a fabulous month, lady! Happy one year anniversary of home ownership.

  5. I'm amazed at how much you did in the month of July!!!! I love your wreath!! It's seriously perfect for your door and your house!! Here's hoping for a relaxing but equally amazing August!

  6. Looks like an absolutely fabulous month to me and just like that - its done! Whew it flew by! Hope yall had a great weekend! xo

  7. I love that American flag sign! You've had so many fun trips in July and I've loved reading about them!

  8. Sounds like agreat July! I love eating outside in the nice weather as well!

  9. You all have had a great month of July! Hope August is just as fun :)

  10. You had quite the busy July! Looks like you made a ton of great memories. Here's to hoping August is just as fabulous!

  11. I hope we have a large porch sometime. I would love to relax on one.

  12. ok, you had a pretty awesome month! now how are you gonna top it for august? ;) but seriously, busy, great july!
