
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Summer Hostess Gifts

Summer might be heating up but it sure isn't over yet! Not only do I love hosting but I love "guesting" too aka being a house guest.  It's a blast planning out the menu, getting the food ready and watching your guests enjoy but it's also fun (& much more relaxing) to sit back and enjoy someone else's hard work.

There are so many reasons to have a gathering in the summer - my favorite one being just because the weather is nice.  It's also nice to bring along a little hostess treat…

Summer Hostess Gifts

The way these s'mores supplies are packaged would be adorable to go along with the s'mores maker.  On a side note, if someone brought me a s'mores making for the grill, I'd be in love.

I love the idea of filling the pitcher with lemonade supplies like this gift.  Or you could just go simple and walk in with the pitcher in one hand and margarita mix in the other.

A bouquet of fresh flowers is always an easy thoughtful touch.  You could also go with the pink truffles (how cute is that packaging!), the cocktail napkins or a pretty candle.

I can't get over how amazing the #flawless mug is but I do think the Lilly Pulitzer wine glass is just as cute - I know I get a ton of use out of mine.

Seasonal hand towels, a personalized platter, monogramed soaps or cute coasters are an easy way to just give a little something small but still say you care.

This basket of ice cream supplies would be perfect paired with a little tub of ice cream and can be used at the gathering or for them to enjoy after.  This would have been perfect for a party this past weekend.

Of course the easiest hostess gift is just offering to bring an item needed for the party/event.  Or do both - bring something and make something.

What do you like to bring as a guest??


  1. These are all very cute and very practical/fun items to give to a hostess! Love those pineapple coasters and the fun wine glasses especially!

  2. I love all of these gifts! They are perfect for a hostess! I personally like the hand towels, wine glass, coasters, and the mug! You definitely can never go wrong with flowers either! Thanks for sharing, I'm going to check into some of these for myself! Haha :)

  3. super cute gift ideas, I love the wine glasses and that pitcher is fabulous!

  4. I love all of these!! My eyes immediately went to the pitcher and I do think I need it in my life. It would match my tumblers and other stemware.
    And of course I love the Lilly wine glass!

  5. If we're invited to a dinner party, I always ask if I can bring anything. My favorite things to take are a bottle of wine with an appetizer or dessert. Love all your picks!

  6. Oh I LOVE this! I always try to bring a little something when someone has us over. You have great taste by the way!

  7. These are all so great!!! I have been toying with the idea of just keeping a few mugs on hand to give as gifts when I am going to someone's house and I love the one you found! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. Yup, I will take all of these! So cute! I love the pitcher idea and you can never go wrong with flowers. I am obsessed with the mugs and the wine glasses!

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  9. Those s'mores supplies are so cute, and I love that pitcher! These are definitely a lot more fun ideas for hostess gifts than my normal bottle of wine, even though wine can be fun too :)

  10. Ummm that s'mores thing is genius LOVE! I also love the Kate Spade pitcher - it's so cute!!

  11. I normally just bring a bottle of wine, but I like the idea of gifting something more personal.

  12. These are all cute ideas! I love the pitcher!

  13. All great ideas! I love the s'mores maker! I usually just do some type of drink, but these are much more fun and could be paired with a bottle to make it a extra special!

  14. These are such great ideas! They are all things that are easy to stock up on and have on hand when needed.

  15. I love taking flowers, wine or food but I need to think outside the box more. Cute ideas!

  16. These are such great ideas! I always blank when going to a party and just bring food. Next time, I really want to buy a pretty pitcher and fill it with something delicious. Thanks for the inspiration!

  17. The smores maker is brilliant! What a great roundup of perfect gift ideas!

  18. These are all really cute items! I need that s'mores maker!!!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  19. I just saw the watermelon bowl on clearance yesterday at Pier 1! So cute!!!

  20. Hostess gifts are such a nice gesture, these are all SO cute and colorful I love it! And that smores maker is perfection!

  21. These are all great hostess gift ideas!! Oh and now I want s'mores!!

  22. Great ideas! I've been given really cute dishtowels before and I love them! Especially those state based ones for someone who just moved! (like this:

    A candle, or a bottle of wine wrapped in a dishtowel or flowers are my go-to's for hostess gifts.

  23. So many cute ideas!!! I love the idea of bringing a pitcher with something it it too! Now I just need a party to go to! ;)

  24. You had me at "s'mores"; hands down my favorite summer treat (that I happen to eat year round lol)

  25. These are the cutest gifts! I LOVE that gold polka dotted pitcher and that s'mores maker for the grill! That Julia Child quote is a favorite of mine, so I think I need those napkins!

  26. That s'mores maker, though! WANT. I also love that precious perfect.

  27. I love that watermelon bowl and the Kate Spade metallic pitcher. I need those in my life.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  28. These are all great ideas! My go-to is usually a bottle of wine and some cute cocktail napkins - always need those, right? Also, I now need that s'mores maker in my life - that is the most genius contraption I've ever seen!

  29. These are so cute!! You are so thoughtful! You make me want to step up my game when I'm a guest and when I am hosting!

  30. I was gifted a set of the Lily wine glasses - I LOVE them, too! The plastic ones, right? I take them to Concerts in the Park for my rose wine, and they are so pretty I keep them on display on a shelf in the kitchen! Also, as a hostess I will take ice cream any day - whether it's for the party or not!

  31. Oh cute!!! The basket of ice cream supplies is such a good idea! It is nice to get a little hostess gift for sure :)
    xo, Candace | Lovely Little Rants

  32. Love all of this, such cute things! That s'mores maker is genius!

  33. I love all of your picks, they're all so cute and useful! I usually for flowers lol way for me to think out of the box!

  34. Oooooh awesome picks, I love them all, especially the s'mores maker (I think I need one of those).... Maybe I should host a little get together with a few friends before summer ends.

  35. Love all of these ideas! That watermelon bowl is adorable. :)

  36. That s'mores maker is the coolest thing ever! I need one now!

  37. So many cute ideas!! The smores maker is super unique and fun for a hostess gift.

  38. What fun ideas - love them all!! I am always so touched when ppl bring a hostess gift - makes me want to always do that for others!

  39. I love the towels! So cute and always so practical!

  40. Christina, this post is exquisite! Not only is it aesthetically pleasing as a collection but the gifts are individually wonderful and something I would love to receive as a hostess.
