
Monday, April 27, 2015

Own It: Featuring Amanda from As the Wine Cork Turns

Vacation's over - sort of! We've got a little time left here and later today we're headed home.  I can't wait to see our little Stella.  I may or may not have cried a little when we had to leave her at the puppy resort. Time to get back to reality. 
Today I've got the third lady taking over while I'm away - Amanda. If it wasn't for the distance, we would for sure have some fun hangouts - I mean just look at her blog title… right up my alley!  I love following along with her posts because she's basically doing right now exactly what I was doing last year at this time because she's getting married one week before our one year anniversary! 

hi! i'm amanda i blog over at as the wine cork turns where you will find me talking about all things wedding, wine, what i'm eating, and what i did for the weekend. that was a lot of w's. i guess i have a thing for w's because my new last name will be walker on august 29 of this year. anyway, i love christina's new idea of the owning it series. so here are 5 things that i'm confessing and just owning lately.

- i confess that i'm straight up 100% into wedding planning mode. maybe even a little too much. i just recently designed our wedding invites and posted about it on instagram (follow me! @agcrute). how many people really care about my sneak peek right? but i do nonetheless, so an instagram post was a must. 

- i confess that i should be eating better, drinking less, and working out more. during the weeks, i'm pretty strict with eating healthy. i meal plan. i pack lunches. i do everything i should. but then there's that papa john's app on my phone that yells at me saying buy me! i'm a believer in taking care of yourself or even trying to achieve a goal to look your best for your wedding - but dang it, i refuse to let that come before having fun or indulging every now and then. 
- i confess that i've watched sam hunt's take your time video one too many times. haven't seen it yet? peep it here. it definitely took a different direction than i thought it would. maybe that's why i connected to it so much. i don't think i've came out too much on my own blog about being in a past relationship that dealt with some sort of abuse, but i have. along time ago. regardless, this hit home for me. it's something you don't forget. i suggest you check it out.

- i confess that i'm not a perfect blogger. i've talked about this before here, but there are some weeks where i will blog everyday and then there are others when i go a few days without logging in. i enjoy doing this as a hobby, but it's not my whole life.
- i confess that sometimes i wish i lived closer to the city of charlotte. don't get me wrong - every single day i am in love with my house and the crazy progress we've made ever since that post. and i think if someone asked me would i up and move, i can say with certainty that i wouldn't because of the reasons we moved to the location that we did. for future children, for many of the other reasons i don't have to name, i would stay where i am at. but my commute to the city everyday? yes, that gets old. but i'll still own my decision to move there. i'll own it because i own a house! 

that about sums it up for my owning it confessions lately. come say hi over at my blog and a big thank you to christina for letting me have fun today! 
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Thank you so much, Amanda for entertaining everyone while I finish out my vacation.  I love that you own your wedding planning obsession - but hey, your about four months away, you should be - I definitely was last year! 

If you had fun reading Karly, JennAmanda and I own it, join in the fun next Thursday and the last Thursday of each month with your own post!   Own anything, big or little.  Share that "little thing you do."  Have a confession session.  Things from the past week/month or just in general.  

Hope your week is off to a fabulous start! 


  1. you can never watch a Sam Hunt video too many times!

  2. Fun post, lady! I'm a big fan of Amanda's as well! :)

  3. Loved getting to know a bit more about you, Amanda! I think it's totally ok to not blog every day--you dont have to make it your life--it should be fun! :) So glad that I've met both of you amazing ladies through blogging!

  4. Hooray for wedding planning mode! You definitely are allowed to be considering how close the big day is. Your house is absolutely beautiful, but I can understand the commute dilemma at times. So fun getting to know you better!

  5. Oh my gosh that house is beautiful! I'm going to head over to your blog for more details :)

  6. Love Amanda! And I agree, eat healthy and work out during the week, but enjoy some fun drinks and food on occasion :-)

    And love her house, we did the same and bought in the suburbs outside the city to get more house and live in a quieter area. Best decision ever!
