
Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Goals

1. Get some wall hangings up in the house and tackle another room
We're getting so close to putting the finishing touches on our house but we're really lacking in the wall hangings area.  We're lacking on purpose, we wanted to take our time and pick out exactly what we wanted.  I don't expect to finish this month but I'd like to pick out a few more things to make the walls look less bare.

2. Find and purchase patio furniture
Spring is right around the corner (I hope) and we decided last year since we had to furnish a whole house, get married, go on a honeymoon to wait until this spring to get patio furniture.  We moved in right at the end of summer so we would have had to just store it anyway.  I've already seen a couple pieces I like and I hope we can pull the trigger this month and get one so we can be ready to go and enjoy the spring weather.

3. Work on commands with stella
Miss Stella starts puppy school this week and up until this point we haven't even tried to work on any commands with her but I would definitely like to start getting some down.  
Hopefully "No!" "Sit" and "Stay" 

4. Start walking Stella
I used to join Steve and Nash on their morning AND afternoon walks every day.  
I love walking outside, it's the best exercise! 
It's been too cold to walk and I wanted to give Stella a little time to get used to her lease with little walks and such but by the end of the month I hope to have her out for routine walks.. and actual walks, not her stopping every five seconds.  We'll see.

5. Celebrate six months of marriage and St. Patrick's Day
I cannot even believe that on Thursday it will have been six months since we said I Do.  We also love to do something special to celebrate St. Patrick's Day because that is the day we met!  I'm hoping to have a special night out in a couple weeks for both!

6. Girls Weekend
A weekend away without Derek and Stella! I'll miss them but it will be fun to see one of my besties and have a little weekend away

7. More relaxing time doing nothing
When I sit down to watch tv, I want to just sit and watch, not be doing twenty different things.
I want to continue making the "to do" lists shorter and shorter.
Generally, just take more time to be at peace and relax.

8. Get a vacation planned 
Other than a quick weekend trip to Dallas and a couple little weekends away, we haven't been on a vacation since our honeymoon!  Derek and I both love to travel and we've got a lot of ideas of places to go and when to go in mind but I'd like to follow through on those and get something set. soon.

Checking in on my February goals…

1. More regular mail, just because 
Happy to say I did this one.  It was easy with sending Valentine's to some of my favorite people.

2. Allow myself to just "do nothing"
Yes, yes, yes.  Things really died down this month.  Weekends were mostly quiet.  Naps were involved. Binge watching tv was also involved.

3. Reading
Other than a few magazines, this one didn't happen but for good reason.  We've been working on our vacation planning and I've decided to save my recent books for when I'm on a beach somewhere.

4. Date Nights & Home Cooked Meals Continued 
Yes and Yes!  We've tried out a ton more recipes this month and kept up with our weekly date nights which I love.  It's great being out of the house and we've tried some new restaurants too.

5. Valentine's Day
We had the best time celebrating in Baltimore this year!  Successful holiday :)

6. House Work
We added a few more decorative touches here and there.. I'm hoping to really make some improvements in March.

7. Celebrate Five Months!
I love celebrating our little milestones! We went out for brunch for this one and found a favorite brunch in one of our favorite restaurants. 


  1. I like the idea of monthly goals!! Great list!

  2. I love that you are slowly collecting decor and things to hang on your wall rather than rushing to the store and buying stuff you don't love. I am a big believer in finding the perfect pieces to decorate with :) Great list of goals for the month!!
