
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Easter Festivities

Throughout March we've been trying to get in all sorts of Easter fun - first up were a few treats to get excited about our Easter Bunny visit... Tatum was excited about the treats, but not the bunny!

We had fun making crafts and even little Teddy joined in - I'll definitely be saving these bunnies as a keepsake.

Our first batch of Eater cookies for Tatum to have fun with...

Also our first round of dying easter eggs - we'll do some more this weekend since they'll get used and we like it so much!

One of our new favorites this year was making some Easter baskets to donate to kids in need - they were so much fun to put together and I really enjoy doing it with Tatum and teaching him about giving back.

Most recently we did a hayride to see the Easter Bunny - Like before, Tatum hated the bunny but loved being on the hayride, seeing the animals and riding on a pony.  It was such a nice spring day!

Friday, March 26, 2021

Easter Bunny

We went to see the Easter Bunny and while Teddy did great for his first time (and since he had no idea what was going on!), Tatum was scared out of his mind!  At first he ran across the building to get away but we at least briefly got him onto the bunny's lap for two pictures.  He is on the other hand very excited for the Easter Bunny to come bring him a basket with "toys and candy."

Very much looking forward to Easter this year as it's Teddy's first one and last year's Easter we were all going through such a weird time!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Theodore: Two Months

Time continues to fly, Theodore was two months old back in mid March.  He weighed in at 12.1 pounds, measured 22.8 inches long and nicely fills out his 0-3 clothes.  He's still in size 1 diapers but getting close to moving up to size 2.

My favorite thing about this past month is Teddy starting to smile - which he loves to do and show off his one dimple.  He's started cooing and making baby noises and getting a little bit stronger with his head - soon he'll be holding it up all on his own.  Teddy loves having his belly rubbed, kicking/punching/stretching, being held, being pushed in his stroller and white noise!  His dislikes the evening hours, nose drops and being hungry, wet or tired - being overtired is a struggle for him!

We have a loose routine and try to get swaddled and have a bottle for bed about 8pm, some nights we just put him right down and see how it goes but most nights we put him in his swing and do another little dream feed around 10pm.  He's still not the best napper during the day but getting better!   He continues to be a hungry little boy - we aim for every three hours but sometimes he's ready by two - we're working on getting him to take more food at once as opposed to "snacks"spaced out - he's anywhere from 3-4.5 ounces. 

Monday, March 22, 2021

This & That

Spring has sprung and the weather looks great this week - we've been loving outdoor playtime and look forward to much more of it!

We had a great day day trip down the shore a couple weeks ago - the beach was completely quiet so it was fun for Tatum to run all around.

Celebrating St. Patrick's Day was fun - another holiday in the books for little Teddy and lots of fun activities for Tatum.

Teddy's started smiling and "coo-ing" at us and we all love it - there's nothing like seeing that little smile and his one dimple.

Tatum continues to be obsessed with his little brother - each morning he climbs in his crib while Teddy is kicking to say good morning and get a hug.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Teddy's Newborn Photos

It feels like Teddy has been with us forever and those first days were so long ago.  We got his newborn pictures back recently and I couldn't love them more.  I finally got around to getting the birth announcements done and prints of many of these + more to display around our house.

While the shoot was about Teddy, I absolutely adore these brother shots and will always treasure them.  I was so happy to have Stella included since she was pictured in Tatum's newborn photos too.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

This & That

I love watching these boys as brothers - Tatum loves being a big brother and helping whether running to get something, singing when Teddy cries or right when he gets home from school asking where he is.

We've been spending lots of family time together in the playroom...

While I was loving the snow days, now I'm getting very eager for warm spring weather, extra light in the evenings and outside time.  I took Teddy on his first walk on one of our "warmer" days and it was very refreshing.