
Friday, January 29, 2021

Snapshots from Teddy's First Week

Yesterday marks two weeks since Teddy was born - it's hard to think of life without him.  The days really seem to be flying by - if I'm not focused on Teddy then I'm trying to pay extra attention to Tatum or Stella, keep the house clean, nap and whatever little time is left get things done on the to do list.  Blowing off to do's and sitting down to cuddle is my favorite though.

Our first morning home - we had to hurry out the door for an early pediatrician appointment for Teddy due to MLK Day we had to go over the weekend but we made it and donuts after was the reward... then naps on the couch!

Tatum continues to be completely smitten and obsessed with "Baby Brother Teddy" - he likes Teddy to help put him to bed, occasionally for Teddy to ride to pickup at school, gives many kisses and always wants to see "what's baby doing."

After his fun sleepover at Lovie and Poppy's when we were at the hospital, he spent all week whining and begging to go back so last Friday he got a special treat and was off to his sleepover and it was a quiet night home and takeout for the rest of us.

Teddy's first bath was a family affair - Tatum wanted to be right up in the center of things helping and all went smoothly.

Birthday cupcakes - ever since Tatum's birthday back in October he's been asking when we will celebrate baby brother's birthday so I grabbed a zero candle and some cupcakes for a treat after dinner so Tatum could blow out the candle.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Tatum was beyond overjoyed to finally meet his baby brother - he had been (im)patiently waiting the week or so leading up to his birth and couldn't wait for us to get home from the hospital.  

It was nothing but love since the second they met - everything is baby brother this or that - and Tatum wanting to help with everything.  Our little boy who used to love sleeping in now likes to come down early to find his brother and cuddle.

Watching the two of them together is one of our biggest joys and such a blessing.  Of course Stella also as always sticks close by to one or both of her brothers...

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Welcome, Theodore

On January 14, 2021 at 6:15 in the morning, we welcomed our second son Theodore "Teddy" into the world.  It was another wonderful experience and all are doing well!  Due to the Covid pandemic, it was just Derek and I in the hospital and while we missed having family and friends (and especially Tatum) come to meet Teddy right away, it was a peaceful time the three of us.

We stayed for about a day and a half including one night after the delivery night then we were ready to get home, see Tatum and have him meet his brother.  Teddy's stats were very similar to his brothers just 5 ounces bigger - 7 pounds, 15 ounces and 20 inches long.

We are over the moon to welcome a second little boy into our family!  The first night in the hospital was very fussy adjusting to the outside world but ever since that our little Theodore has just been a dream - we have very much enjoyed our time adjusting to a family of four.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Third Trimester


It's hard to believe this pregnancy is coming to an end and our little boy will be here any day now.  I got pregnant right at the end of the first shut down and here we are just coming out of our second shut down in PA - it's crazy that this is all still going on!  

The third trimester has been pretty low key and uneventful.  Fall was super busy as was the holiday season so the days flew by - adding in preschool shutting down and not missing many social events due to the pandemic and I can't complain.  

I had a final ultrasound around 32 weeks where he was measuring about a week ahead, the baby's heartbeat continuously checks in around 135-145 and other than a little bit of high blood pressure at one appointment everything has been smooth sailing.

Not much swelling (towards the end with Tatum I had a hard time fitting my shoes on) but that could also be helped by the colder winter months!  Parts of the holidays were exhausting so lots of naps and lots of going to bed early now and getting good nights of sleep.

Nesting is in full force - I finally finished the nursery shortly before Christmas and that was a huge check mark off the to do list.  I've been doing all sorts of little projects, house work and keeping the house clean and ready. The hospital packs were packed over Christmas break, newborn/0-3 month clothes are washed and hung up, diapers have been stocked up and most recently bottles washed and put away - we are ready but also enjoying our final days as a family of three... and final days to get any little tasks I can done!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

This & That

The start of January was a little more welcomed this year than others as we wait for baby brother to arrive and join our family - the countdown officially started on January 1.  It's been nice to have some quiet days to cross a few more items off the check list.

At the end of Christmas Break my friends threw a little quarantine at home baby sprinkle and it was a great day celebrating with good food, good friends, games.

Tatum has been out of preschool since Thanksgiving week and will start back hopefully next week - we've been reviewing the letters he learned in the fall, colors, numbers, etc. and doing some winter crafts until it's time to head back.

I love the craziness of the holiday season, but we've really been enjoying having less to do and also quiet nights.